The SwaggerToSDK script is the automation script launched at each commit on any Swagger files to provide:
- Testing against SDK language
- Automatic PR on each language SDK
This works is still in progress and move fast. We'll do our best to keep this page up-to-date.
usage: [-h] [--rest-folder RESTAPI_GIT_FOLDER]
[--pr-repo-id PR_REPO_ID] [--message MESSAGE]
[--project PROJECT] [--base-branch BASE_BRANCH]
[--branch BRANCH] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
[--autorest AUTOREST_DIR] [-v] [--debug]
Build SDK using Autorest and push to Github. The GH_TOKEN environment variable needs to be set to act on Github.
positional arguments:
sdk_git_id The SDK Github id. If a simple string, consider it belongs to the GH_TOKEN owner repo. Otherwise, you can use the syntax username/repoid
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Rest API git folder. [default: .]
--pr-repo-id PR_REPO_ID
PR repo id. If not provided, no PR is done
--message MESSAGE, -m MESSAGE
Force commit message. {hexsha} will be the current REST SHA1 [default: Generated from {hexsha}]
--project PROJECT, -p PROJECT
Select a specific project. Do all by default. You can use a substring for several projects.
--base-branch BASE_BRANCH, -o BASE_BRANCH
The base branch from where create the new branch and where to do the final PR. [default: master]
--branch BRANCH, -b BRANCH
The SDK branch to commit. Default if not Travis: autorest. If Travis is detected, see epilog for details
The JSON configuration format path [default: swagger_to_sdk_config.json]
--autorest AUTOREST_DIR
Force the Autorest to be executed. Must be a directory containing Autorest.exe
-v, --verbose Verbosity in INFO mode
--debug Verbosity in DEBUG mode
The script activates this additional behaviour if Travis is detected:
--branch is setted by default to "RestAPI-PR{number}" if triggered by a PR, "RestAPI-{branch}" otherwise
Only the files inside the PR are considered. If the PR is NOT detected, all files are used.
This is a configuration which MUST be at the root of the repository you wants to generate.
"meta": {
"language": "Python",
"autorest": "latest",
"autorest_options": {
"ft": 2,
"AddCredentials": true
"wrapper_filesOrDirs": [],
"delete_filesOrDirs": [
"generated_relative_base_directory": "*client"
"projects": {
"authorization": {
"swagger": "arm-authorization/2015-07-01/swagger/authorization.json",
"autorest_options": {
"Namespace" : "azure.mgmt.authorization"
"output_dir": "azure-mgmt-authorization/azure/mgmt/authorization",
"wrapper_filesOrDirs": [
The version is not read yet, since this works is in progress. This could be use in the future to enable breaking changes detection and handling. Don't rely on this one for now
The language parameter configure the language you want Autorest to generate. This could be (case-sensitive):
- Python
- CSharp
- Java
- NodeJS
- Ruby
This will trigger the Azure. autorest code generator. Note that you can override this behaviour by specifying the "CodeGenerator" option in any "autorest_options" field.
This the version to use from Autorest. Could be "latest" to download the latest nightly build. Could be a string like '0.16.0-Nightly20160410' to download a specific version. If node is not present, consider "latest".
An optional dictionary of options you want to pass to Autorest. This will be passed in any call, but can be override by "autorest_options" in each data.
You can override the default Azure.<language>
CodeGenerator parameter here (do NOT use "g" but "CodeGenerator").
Note that you CAN'T override "-i/-Input" and "-o/-Output" which are filled contextually.
An optional list of files/directory to keep when we generate new SDK. This support a Bash-like wildcard syntax (i.e. '*/myfile?.py'). This applies to every Swagger files.
An optional list of files/directory to delete from the generated SDK. This support a Bash-like wildcard syntax (i.e. '*/myfile?.py') This applies to every Swagger files.
If the data to consider generated by Autorest are not directly in the root folder. For instance, if Autorest generates a networkclient folder and you want to consider this folder as the root of data. This parameter is applied before 'delete_filesOrDirs', consider it in your paths. This applies to every Swagger files.
It's a dict where keys are a project id. The project id has no constraint, but it's recommended to use namespace style, like "" to provide the best flexibility for the --project parameter.
Values are:
This is a mandatory parameter which specificy the Swagger file path for this project. This is relative to the rest-folder paramter.
A dictionary of options you want to pass to Autorest. This will override parameter from "autorest_options" in "meta" node.
You can override the default Azure.<language>
CodeGenerator parameter here (do NOT use "g" but "CodeGenerator").
Note that you CAN'T override "-i/-Input" and "-o/-Output" which are filled contextually.
An optional list of files/directory to keep when we generate new SDK. This support a Bash-like wildcard syntax (i.e. '*/myfile?.py'). This is added with the list in "meta", this NOT override it.
An optional list of files/directory to delete from the generated SDK. This support a Bash-like wildcard syntax (i.e. '*/myfile?.py') This is added with the list in "meta", this NOT override it.
If the data to consider generated by Autorest are not directly in the root folder. For instance, if Autorest generates a networkclient folder and you want to consider this folder as the root of data. This parameter is applied before 'delete_filesOrDirs', consider it in your paths. This replace the same parameter in "meta" if both are provided.
This is the folder in your SDK repository where you want to put the generated files.