
Competitive Programming Journey: Resources and problem links related to data structures, algorithms, and mathematics, curated primarily for competitive programming enthusiasts.

Competitive Programming Journey




  • Pavel Mavrin's Algorithms and Data Structures course playlist on Youtube

Online Judges

Host contests

Doesn't host contests

Problem Archives

Readings and Suggestions

How do I start competitive programming?

  • Maybe by giving one contest on any of the platform listed above!

How do I practice?

  • Codeforces blog by Radewoosh titled "My opinion on how to practice competitive programming"
  • Codeforces blog by Um_nik titled "How to practice Competitive Programming [Um_nik version]"
  • Codeforces blog by Geothermal titled "Thoughts on Reaching Cyan?"
  • Codeforces blog by -is-this-fft- titled "Self-deception: maybe why you're still grey after practicing every day"

How do I know about upcoming contests in one place?

How do I resolve my doubts and (virtually) meet like-minded people?

I'm still working on this list, so it's not the end.