
A project management application that allows you to track tasks process while working in a Team. You can choose the priority of the projects, give them suitable labels, put them under various stages in boards (View).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 Project Board - Project Management Platform.

Live: https://projectboard-application.vercel.app/
Backend: https://github.com/vishwajeetraj11/projectboard-backend
Fronend: https://github.com/vishwajeetraj11/projectboard


Frontend: Vercel

Backend: Heroku

💻 Screens

Landing Page Tasks Page
Project Board Landing Page Project Board Tasks Page
History Page Task Detail
Project Board Task Detail Page Project Board Task Detail Page
Boards All Projects
Project Board Boards Screen Project Board All Projects Screen
Edit Project / Edit Profile Add Members
Project Board Edit Screen ADD Members Screen
Manage Members

Manage Members Screen

Setting up Auth0

  1. Login/Signup to Auth0
  2. Create Application: Single Page Web Applications
  3. Create API (inside Auth0 ) to get API Audience (required for env).
  4. Inside The Application configure these urls
    Allowed Callback URLs http://localhost:<YOUR_FRONTEND_PORT>/
    Allowed Logout URLs http://localhost:<YOUR_FRONTEND_PORT>/
    Allowed Web Origins http://localhost:<YOUR_FRONTEND_PORT>/
  5. Setup Custom Database: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXnDFU4sG0A&t=306s

Getting Started:

  • Clone both frontend and backend
  • Make an account if you don't already have one on Auth0 and get required credentials. (check .env.example)
  • Get your mongodb db uri
  • Install Dependencies
  • Make sure you setup auth0 before this.
  • That's it you are done. npm start or yarn start


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Vishwajeet Raj – vishwajeet.netlify.app