NPM Publish All
A command line utility to bump the version and publish all the modules inside any folder.
Use cases
- You may working on mutiple modules and want to publish all of them with automatically bumping the version
- There might be scenario where your jenkins wants to publish all modules
Install globally to use it in terminal
npm install -g npm-publish-all
Command line Usage
npm-publish-all bump
npm-publish-all publish
npm-publish-all both
npm-publish-all --help
Usage: npm-publish-all bump --bumpType [string]
bump Bump every modules based on the bumpType
publish Publish every modules; takes publishArgs as option
both Bump the version and publish every modules
--bumpType Bump types:
-git [string] [default: "patch"]
--exclude List of modules to exclude, leave space between inputs
[array] [default: []]
--context Change the context to a sub-directory [string]
--versionArgs Any extra arguments that `npm version` command take[string] [default: ""]
--publishArgs Any extra arguments that `npm publish` command take[string] [default: ""]
--help Show help [boolean]
npm-publish-all bump Only Bump version
npm-publish-all bump --bumpType=major Bump version to major
npm-publish-all bump --bumpType=2.0.0 Bump version to a number
npm-publish-all bump --exclude=bin cmd excludes any folders like node_modules
npm-publish-all bump --include=glob react includes only these folder
npm-publish-all bump --versionArgs="--force" any options that the npm version
command takes
npm-publish-all bump --context=subDirectory when you want to run the commands in a
sub directory
npm-publish-all publish Only publish the module
npm-publish-all publish --exclude=bin cmd
npm-publish-all publish --publishArgs="--tag any options that the npm publish
alpha" command takes
npm-publish-all publish
--context=subDirectory --exclude=bin
npm-publish-all both Bump the version and publish as well
npm-publish-all both --context subDirectory
npm-module-stats's version changed to v0.0.7
Published module: + npm-module-stats@0.0.7
webpack-glob-folder-entries's version changed to v1.0.1
Published module: + webpack-glob-folder-entries@1.0.1
Abraham Jagadeesh