
This is a simple tool that generates a print-ready resume from the data you put in as markdown.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 Resume with Markdown

This is a simple tool that generates a print-ready resume from the data you put in as markdown. Check out the demo here Resume with Markdown


Fork this repo, edit the Resume.md file under the folder src. This is built using React, so clone the forked report and run npm install to install all dev and prod dependencies.

Changing the styles

CSS is written according to the default markdown elements like headers and lists. The styling is still work in progress, feel free to suggest changes. To insert a page break for the print version, add a <hr> tag or markdown notation --- to the file.


You can use deploy this as a GitHub page by running npm run deploy (provided you have your git credentials configured) which will be deployed at githubusername.github.io/resume (or if you have a custom domain then vishwas.tech/resume/ ).

Or you can use sites like Netlify or Zeit to deploy from your Github repo.

Show ❤️ to

  1. Font Awesome icons (https://fontawesome.com)
  2. MDX-loader (https://github.com/frontarm/mdx-util/tree/master/packages/mdx-loader)