Copyright (c) Rally Software Development Corp. 2013 Distributed under the MIT License.
Rally-Export-Attachments is available on an as-is basis. Rally Software does not provide any support for this utility.
The Rally-Export-Attachments is a Ruby script to export all attachments from a specified Rally Workspace for archival purposes
Used to export all the attachments of a Rally subscription into individual files for archival.
- Change the following four variables found in the code to match your environment. Alternatively, add them to a file called my_vars.rb located in the same directory. The script will automatically look for, and load the variables from this file if found.
$my_base_url = "" $my_username = "" $my_password = "topsecret" $my_workspace_oid = "12345678910" # (ObjectID of the workspace you wish to export attachments from.)
- you may find your current/default workspace OID in your Subscription by visiting the following REST URL:
- To get a list of all Workspace OIDs in your Subscription, visit:
- Then click on the link that looks similar to the following:
- It's recommended to run this script as a Subscription Administrator, to ensure that access to all Workspaces/Projects/Artifacts of interest
Invoke the script:
c:\> ruby export-workspace-attachments.rb
All attachments found will be saved in:
WS### - is the ordinal workspace number found (1 based). FormattedIDs - is the combination of the FormattedID(s) of the Artifact, TestCaseResult or TestSet to which the attachment belongs. attachment-### - is the ordinal attachment number found in a given workspace (1 based). {type} - is the type of file, either "METADATA" or "DATA". {ext} - is the file extension found on the attachment. Used on the DATA {type} file only.
Tested on Ruby Versions:
- ruby-1.9.3-p194
- ruby-1.9.3-p327 Required Gems:
- rally_api (0.9.2)
- httpclient (2.3.2) -- Usually included with the rally_api gem