
The official code repository for "TensorFlow in Action" by Manning.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This project is the code repository for TensorFlow 2.0 in Action.

Video Guides for Installation

Prerequisites (If you want GPU support)

  • Install the latest NVIDIA driver for your GPU from this page
  • Install CUDA 10.2 (TensorFlow 2.3)
  • Setup CuDNN
  • Make sure your $PATH variable contains the path to the bin folder of cuda (e.g. On Windows - C:\CUDA\v10.2\bin)
    • On UNIX - Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to lib64 folder (e.g. /usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64)

Creating a Virtual Environment (Anaconda) (Recommended)

  • Install Anaconda
  • Open up Anaconda Prompt
  • Setup a conda virtual environment with conda create -n manning.tf2 python=3.6
  • Activate the environment with conda activate manning.tf2
  • Install the required libraries using pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating a Virtual Environment (virtualenv)

  • Install Python 3.6 by following instructions on the webpage. Make sure it is added to the PATH variable.
  • To verify the installation of Python3.6, go to the command line terminal and type python and press enter. You should see a message similar to the following.
     Python 3.6.0 (...) [...] on ...
     Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  • Type exit() to exit the Python interpreter.
  • Run pip3 install virtualenv to install Python virtual environment package
  • Go to where you would like the virtual env created (e.g. cd C:\Users\<user>\Documents\code\python_venvs) and type python -m venv manning.tf2. You should see a directory called manning.tf2 created in the directory you are in.
  • Now to activate the virtual environment, from the directory you were originally in (e.g. C:\Users\<user>\Documents\code\python_venvs),
    • On Windows - Run manning.tf2\Scripts\activate.bat
    • On UNIX - Run source manning.tf2\bin\activate
  • If successfully activated, you should see a (manning.tf2) in front of the normal prompt you get in the command line interface (CLI).
  • Now run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the necessary packages

Tutorial on virtual environments: Here

Important notes

  • For some plotting capability provided in TensorFlow/Keras, you have installed a Python package called graphviz. You might need to add the path to this library (e.g. <path to Anaconda>\envs\manning.tf2\Library\bin\graphviz if you used Anaconda installation)

Getting Jupyter Notebook server up

Now you are ready to run the Jupyter notebook server, allowing you to run the notebooks provided in the code repository.

  • Open up the command line terminal and activate the virtual environment manning.tf2 if you haven't already
  • Go in to the directory you downloaded code to using cd in the CLI (e.g. cd C:\Users\<user>\Documents\code\manning_tf2_in_action)
  • Run jupyter notebook in the CLI
  • This should open up the jupyter notebook server's landing page on your default browser
  • Now you can navigate the folder structure within that directory, open any notebook and run it.