
A puppet module which manages the installation and configuration of the pakiti server and client

Primary LanguagePuppet

puppet-pakiti module Build Status

A puppet-module which configures the pakiti service (http://pakiti.sourceforge.net)

The pakiti packages needs to be uploaded to an avaible repository so the puppet module can install them.

You could use for example my package.io repository which you can install on CentOS by:

$ curl https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/visibilityspots/packages/script.rpm | sudo bash


Tested on centos 6.5, ruby-1.8.x and puppet 3.4.x

The pakiti server needs a mysql database

you could use for example https://github.com/arioch/puppet-percona


	$motd             = defaults to false,
	(enable when you use the puppet-motd module)

	$client           = defaults to true,
	$server           = defaults to false,

	[Client configuration]
	$servers_name     = the server to report to,
	$server_url       = url of pakiti script on server, defaults to /feed/,
	$server_curl	  = path to curl command,
	$server_tag       = the identifier,

	[Server configuration]
	$server_hostname  = database server hostname, defaults to localhost,
	$server_dbname    = database name, defaults to pakiti,
	$server_username  = database username, default to pakiti_server,
	$server_password  = database password, defaults to mysql_password,

	[Web interface]
	$server_web_url   = url of the local pakiti server,
	$server_web_title = the name of your organisation

Server example

(in combination with the percona module)

node 'pakiti-server' {
  class {
      server => true;

      server           => true,
      server_dbname    => 'pakiti2',
      server_username  => 'pakiti',
      server_password  => 'password',
      server_web_url   => $::fqdn,
      server_web_title => 'Pakiti service';

  percona::database {

  percona::rights {
      database => 'pakiti2',
      user     => 'pakiti',
      password => 'password',
      before   => Class['pakiti'];

Client example

node 'pakiti-client' {
  include pakiti