
Yet Another WebApp Generator - With Groundwork or Bootstrap, Assemble, H5BP, Require.js, Modernizr...

Primary LanguageHTML

Generator Vision

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app, based on the official and Yawa generator webapp generator.


This project depends on a few others that needs to be installed seperatly :

  • To run
    • yo (install : npm install -g yo)
  • To be usefull (ie: to run the project scaffolded with it)
    • grunt (install : npm install -g grunt-cli)
    • compass (install : gem install compass)

Getting Started

  • Install: npm install -g generator-vision
  • Run: yo yawa
  • Run: npm install (TODO: Auto install not working)
  • Run: bower install (TODO: Auto install not working)
  • Run: grunt build for building and grunt server for preview


  • app
    • bower_components (dependencies)
    • fonts
    • images
    • scripts
    • styles
      • components ("-c" Reusable bem modules)
      • lib (Mixins, Placeholders, Animations...)
      • objects ("-o" may be used in any number of unrelated contexts to the one)
      • _helpers.scss (Inuitcss helper to controll padding and margin with !important)
      • _styleguide.scss (Bootstrap styleguide)
      • _textures.scss (Theme and design stuff)
      • _vars.scss (Variables)
      • _main.scss (Import the whole project)
    • templates
      • layouts
      • pages
      • partials



  • Built-in preview server with Browser Sync
  • Assemble
  • CSS Autoprefixing (new)
  • Automagically compile CoffeeScript & Compass
  • Automagically lint your scripts
  • Automagically wire up your Bower components. Supported both with and without (new) RequireJS.
  • Awesome Image Optimization (via OptiPNG, pngquant, jpegtran and gifsicle)
  • Mocha Unit Testing with PhantomJS
  • Optional - RequireJS
  • Optional - Official Bootstrap for SASS


If you find a bug or woud like to see a new feature added, please fill an issue here on github or even better, send a pull request.


YAWA Generator is brought to you by Jeremie Parker and made possible by the awsome work of all the opensource community around Yeoman, Grunt, Bootstrap, Groundwork etc...

Forked by [Vision Click] (https://github.com/visionclick)


BSD license