
Explainable Video Action Reasoning via Prior Knowledge and State Transitions

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Explainable Video Action Reasoning via Prior Knowledge and State Transitions

Tao Zhuo, Zhiyong Cheng, Peng Zhang, Yongkang Wong, Mohan Kankanhalli

Our paper can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.10700
CAD-120 dataset can be found here: http://pr.cs.cornell.edu/humanactivities/data.php

An overview of our action reasoning framework


Video graph representation



Ubuntu 16.04


1. video_clips.txt:

e.g. "Subject5, taking_medicine, 0126143431, 70, 135, open", it denotes follows:

Subject5: person id
taking_medicine: video label
0126143431: video id
70: starting frame
135: ending frame
open: action

2. splits: spliting videos for training and testing

3. knowledge: concerned objects, attributes, relationships and actions

4. states: attributes and relationships for training

5. all: annotated objects, attributes, relationships for all videos

An example of dataloader (json file):

file_name_json = os.path.join('annotations/states/attr_01.json')    
with open(file_name_json, 'r') as f:
    data_anno = json.load(f)

for k in range(len(data_anno)):
    person_id = data_anno[k]['person_id']
    video_label = data_anno[k]['video_label']
    video_id = data_anno[k]['video_id']
    obj_id = data_anno[k]['obj_id']
    obj_label = data_anno[k]['obj_label']
    frame_id = data_anno[k]['frame_id']
    roi = data_anno[k]['roi']
    attr_label = data_anno[k]['attr_label']


If our code and annotations are useful for you, please cite the following paper:

@article{zhuo2019explainable, title={Explainable Video Action Reasoning via Prior Knowledge and State Transitions}, author={Zhuo, Tao and Cheng, Zhiyong and Zhang, Peng and Wong, Yongkang and Kankanhalli, Mohan}, journal={ACM Multimedia}, year={2019} }


Tao Zhuo (zhuotao@nus.edu.sg)