
Repo for the news app

Primary LanguagePHP


The News app is a an rss/atom feed aggregator. It is based on the library SimplePie.



The app is in alpha status and can be tested.

See the beta milestone in the bugtracker for more information on progress


Before reporting bugs:

Before you install the News app

Before you install the app check that the following requirements are met:

How to install the News app

  • Install ownCloud 5.0.5

Should you have upgraded from a prior version, disable the CSS and JavaScript caching by adding this to :file:`owncloud/config/config.php`:

DEFINE('DEBUG', true);
  • Clone the App Framework app into the /var/www directory:

    git clone https://github.com/owncloud/appframework.git
  • Clone the News app into the /var/www directory:

    git clone https://github.com/owncloud/news.git
  • Link both into ownCloud's apps folder:

    ln -s /var/www/appframework /var/www/owncloud/apps
    ln -s /var/www/news /var/www/owncloud/apps
  • Activate the App Framework App first, then activate the News app in the apps menu

  • Set up ownCloud Background Jobs to enable feed updates. A recommended timespan for feed updates is 15-30 Minutes.

How to keep up to date

To get the newest update you can use git. To update the appframework use:

cd /var/www/appframework
git pull --rebase origin master

To update the News app use:

cd /var/www/news
git pull --rebase origin master

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Next item: n/j/right arrow
  • Previous item: p/k/left arrow
  • Star current item: s/i
  • Keep current item unread: u

Performance Notices

  • It is currently discouraged to use it in large hosted installations since there is no way to restrict the backgroundjob to require a pause of X minutes. This will be addressed in the next ownCloud release.
  • Use MySQL or PostgreSQL for better database performance


This will be in a seperate config file in the future but for now you can tweak the folowing things.


  • To cache feeds longer increase:

    $this['simplePieCacheDuration'] = 30*60;  // seconds
  • To let people have more read items per feed before they are purged increase:

    $this['autoPurgeCount'] = 200;  // per feed


All changes in the coffee file have to be compiled by using:


in the js/ directory

  • To increase the interval when the app fetches new entries from database(!, not the webpage, thats set by the backgroundjob interval) change:

    feedUpdateInterval: 1000*60*3  # miliseconds