The ngx_http_waf_module is an open-source high-performance simple-rule easy-extend web application firewall(WAF) module for Nginx.
- Name
- Status
- Install
- Example Configuration
- Directives
- New match strategy
- Author
- Copyright and License
- See Also
The ngx_http_waf_module is currently in active development.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --with-compat
load_module ./modules/;
events {
http {
security_rule id:1001 "str:rx@^[a-z]{1,3}" "s:$BYPASS:1,$SQLI:2" z:V_HEADERS:bar|ARGS;
security_rule id:1002 "str:!sw@/test.php" s:$XSS:3,$BYPASS:3 z:#URL;
security_rule id:1003 "libinj:sql" "s:$SQLI:9" z:V_ARGS:foo;
security_rule id:1004 "libinj:decode_url|xss" "s:$XSS:9" z:V_ARGS:foo "note:test rule by vislee";
security_rule id:1005 "str:eq@testbody" "s:$BYPASS:2" "z:BODY";
security_rule id:1006 "str:decode_base64|decode_url|ct@test file data" "s:$BYPASS:2" "z:V_BODY:input";
security_rule id:1007 "str:ct@eval" "s:$HANG:2" "z:#FILE";
security_rule id:1008 "str:ct@testphp" "s:$HANG:2" "z:X_FILE:^[a-z]{1,5}\.php$";
security_rule id:1009 "str:ct@testphp" "s:$BYPASS:2" "z:#RAW_BODY";
map $sec_result $ups {
"block" block;
default runtime;
server {
location / {
client_body_buffer_size 1m;
security_waf on;
security_log ./logs/waf.log;
security_loc_rule wl:1003 z:V_ARGS:test;
security_loc_rule id:90001 str:eq@vislee s:$BYPASS:4 z:V_HEADERS:name;
security_check "$HANG>4" LOG;
security_check "$BYPASS>8" $sec_result;
security_check "$SQLI>8" DROP;
security_check "$XSS>8" BLOCK;
proxy_pass http://$ups;
- support content-type: json and xml.
syntax: security_rule rule
default: no
context: http
Set general rules. All the location
contained in http
is visible.
The rule format:
security_rule id:number match-strategy "s:$TAG:score,$TAG2:score" "z:zones" "note:message";
- id: The ID of the rule.
- match-strategy: The strategy of rule.
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]le@string
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]ge@string
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]ct@string
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]eq@string
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]sw@string
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]ew@string
- str:[decode_func1|decode_func2|][!]rx@regex
- libinj:[decode_func1|decode_func2|]sql
- libinj:[decode_func1|decode_func2|]xss
- hash:[!]md5@hashcode
- hash:[!]crc32@hashcode
- hash:[!]crc32_long@hashcode
- libmagic:[!]mime_type@mime_type
decode_func: decode_url or decode_base64
!: not. eg: "!eq@test" - Is not equal to 'test'.
- zones: The match zones of rule.
- #URL
- V_URL:string
- X_URL:regex
- [@ | #]ARGS
- V_ARGS:string
- X_ARGS:regex
- [@ | #]HEADERS
- V_HEADERS:string
- X_HEADERS:regex
- [@ | #]BODY
- V_BODY:string
- X_BODY:regex
- X_FILE:regex
For example:
"str:eq@/index.php" "z:#URL" curl 'http://x/index.php'
will be blocked
"str:eq@bar" "z:V_ARGS:foo" curl 'http://x/?foo=bar'
will be blocked
"str:eq@bar" "z:V_HEADERS:foo" curl -H'foo: bar' 'http://x/'
will be blocked
A complete rule configuration.
security_rule id:100 "str:decode_base64|decode_url|!eq@foo bar" "s:$ATT:2,$SQLI:1" "z:V_ARGS:foo|#HEADERS" "note:test rule";
syntax: security_loc_rule rule
default: no
context: location
Set the location rules.
Also, you can set the whitelist disable of the general rules of the specified IDs.
The whitelist rule format:
security_loc_rule "wl:id1,id2" "z:zones" "note:test whitelist";
syntax: security_waf <on|off>
default: off
context: location
Enables or disables this module.
syntax: security_check $tag>threshold <LOG|BLOCK|DROP|ALLOW|$variable>
default: no
context: location
Setting rules accumulating scoring thresholds and actions.
The action include:
- LOG: only logged.
- BLOCK: refuse the request, return 403.
- DROP: close the connection, Is equivalent to return 444.
- ALLOW: skip the rest of the rules.
- $variable: return string "block" else return nil.
syntax: security_log <file|off> [unflat]
default: off
context: location
A log that requests a hit rule.
Logging to syslog can be configured by specifying the “syslog:” prefix.
syntax: security_timeout time
default: 60s
context: location
Defines a timeout for waf-rule filter. If filter is not finish, the filter return pass.
If you want to expand match-strategy
. Only need to implement two function:
The function of parse directive and The matching-strategy callback function.
And then the parse directive function registered into the array of ngx_http_waf_rule_parser_item
For example, the libinj:xss
and libinj:sql
// The parse directive function
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_waf_parse_rule_libinj(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_str_t *str,
ngx_http_waf_rule_parser_t *parser, ngx_http_waf_rule_opt_t *opt)
u_char *p, *e;
ngx_int_t offset;
static ngx_str_t sql = ngx_string("sql");
static ngx_str_t xss = ngx_string("xss");
if (str->len - parser->prefix.len < 3) {
ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
"invalid libinj in arguments \"%V\"", str);
return NGX_ERROR;
p = str->data + parser->prefix.len;
e = str->data + str->len;
offset = ngx_http_waf_parse_rule_decode(cf, opt->p_rule->decode_handlers,
p, e - 4);
if (offset == NGX_ERROR) {
return NGX_ERROR;
p += offset;
if ((size_t)(e - p) == sql.len
&& ngx_strncmp(p,, sql.len) == 0)
opt->p_rule->str = sql;
opt->p_rule->handler = ngx_http_waf_rule_str_sqli_handler;
} else if ((size_t)(e - p) == xss.len
&& ngx_strncmp(p,, xss.len) == 0)
opt->p_rule->str = xss;
opt->p_rule->handler = ngx_http_waf_rule_str_xss_handler;
} else {
ngx_conf_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, cf, 0,
"invalid libinj args in arguments \"%V\"", str);
return NGX_ERROR;
return NGX_OK;
// matching-strategy callback function
static ngx_int_t
ngx_http_waf_rule_str_sqli_handler(ngx_http_waf_public_rule_t *pr,
ngx_str_t *s)
ngx_int_t issqli;
struct libinjection_sqli_state state;
if (s == NULL || s->data == NULL || s->len == 0) {
return NGX_ERROR;
libinjection_sqli_init(&state, (const char *)s->data, s->len, FLAG_NONE);
issqli = libinjection_is_sqli(&state);
if (!issqli) {
return NGX_ERROR;
return NGX_OK;
// registered parse directive function
static ngx_http_waf_rule_parser_t ngx_http_waf_rule_parser_item[] = {
{ngx_string("libinj:"), ngx_http_waf_parse_rule_libinj},
wenqiang li(vislee)
This module is licensed under the GPL license.
Copyright (C) 2018-2019, by vislee.
All rights reserved.
- nginx: ngx_http_waf_module based on nginx.
- naxsi: ngx_http_waf_module has learned a lot of from it.
- libinjection: ngx_http_waf_module refer to this library.
- Hyperscan: replace the PCRE.
- libmagic: ngx_http_waf_module refer to this library.