
Implementations of graph algorithms in strong accordance with Dr. Ásványi Tibor's lecture notes.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Implementations of graph algorithms in strong 1 accordance with Dr. Ásványi Tibor's lecture notes (en, hu).

Besides implementing algorithms mentioned on lectures the library / demo also provides a way to render graphs and outputs of graph algorithms to .dot files. You may view these files online by copying and pasting their content.

All examples in the examples folder run the algorithms on graphs from the lecture notes. If you have rust (and cargo) installed on your machine you can run these examples with:

cargo run --example <name of example (w/o file extention)>

For example to run the Queue-based Bellman-Ford example:

cargo run --example qbf


  1. There were situations were sacrifices had to be made in order to keep the code idiomatic and "rustic".