
set of scripts to work with jira

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Set of tools to work with JIRA.


crawler.py search JIRA tickets defined by pattern and save it as json files in specified folder.

$ python crawler.py -h
usage: crawler.py [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--dst DST]
                  [--verify_ssl [VERIFY_SSL]]
                  url jql

Dump jira tickets to files

positional arguments:
  url                   jira api url
  jql                   search query.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --user USER           Username to connect to jira. Can be set via
                        environment variable JIRA_USER.
  --password PASSWORD   Password to connect to jira. Can be set via
                        environment variable JIRA_USER.
  --dst DST             destination to store files
  --verify_ssl [VERIFY_SSL]
                        verify ssl for jira connection

To start in docker run

$ docker run -it -v ${PWD}/dump:/dump \
    vistrcm/jiratoolscrawler \
        https://jira/rest/api/2 user "superpass" "assignee = currentUser()" --dst /dump