- Time-saving: Email templates eliminate the need to create emails from scratch, saving valuable time and effort.
- Customizability: Quick editing capabilities enable employees to personalize the content of the templates while maintaining a professional appearance.
- Consistent branding: Templates ensure that all emails adhere to the brand's guidelines, reinforcing brand recognition and professionalism.
- Professional appearance: Well-designed templates provide a polished and consistent look, enhancing the business's credibility and reputation.
- Streamlined communication: Prompt and efficient communication.
- Flexibility: Templates can be adapted for various purposes, such as promotional emails, customer support responses, newsletters, and more.
- Easy updates: Templates can be easily modified to reflect changes in offers, policies, or design elements, ensuring that communication remains current and aligned with business objectives.
- Standardization: Templates enforce a standardized structure and format for emails, reducing errors and improving clarity in communication.
- Scalability: Email templates facilitate consistent messaging even as the business grows, ensuring a cohesive customer experience across all interactions.
- Improved productivity: With quick access to templates, employees can focus more on core tasks, increasing overall productivity within the business.
- Content management for email templates allowing authorised users to edit email template content in the admin.
- Templates can include model attribute tokens or config values which will be replaced, eg ##user.name## or ##config.app.name##
- Templates can be saved with different locales for multi-lingual capability.
- A generic method for quickly creating mail classes to speed up adding new templates and faster automation possiblities.
- Theme editor - Set your own colours and apply to specific templates.
We use the standard Laravel mail sending capability, the package simply allows content editing and faster adding of new template Classes
Get the package via composer:
composer require visualbuilder/email-templates
Running the install command will copy the template views, migrations, seeders and config file to your app.
The --seed option will populate 7 default templates which you can then edit in the admin panel.
php artisan filament-email-templates:install --seed
Add this plugin to panel using plugins() method in app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php:
use Visualbuilder\EmailTemplates\EmailTemplatesPlugin;
public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
return $panel
// ...
// ...
Menu Group and sort order can be set in the config
Edit email content in the admin and use tokens to inject model or config content.
Note: The seeder can also be edited directly if you wish to prepopulate with your own content.
Token format is ##model.attribute##. When calling the email pass any referenced models to replace the tokens automatically.
You can also include config values in the format ##config.file.key## eg ##config.app.name##. In the email tempalates config file you must whitelist keys that should be allowed. We shouldn't allow users to include any key which could compromise security.
Emails may be sent directly, via a notification or an event listener.
The following email templates are included to get you started and show different methods of sending.
- User Registered - Welcome them to the platform
- User Verify Email - Check they are human
- User Verified Email - Yes they are
- User Request Password Reset - Let them change the password
- User Password Reset Success - Yay, you changed your password
- User Locked Out - Oops - What to do now?
- User Login - Success
Not all systems will require a login notification, but it's good practice for security so included here.
A new Registered event is triggered when creating a new user.
We want to welcome new users with a friendly email so we've included a listener for the Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered Event which will send the email if enabled in the config:-
'send_emails' => [
'new_user_registered' => true,
'verification' => true,
'user_verified' => true,
'login' => true,
'password_reset_success' => true,
This notification is built in to Laravel so we have overidden the default toMail function to use our custom email template.
For reference this is done in the EmailTemplatesAuthServiceProvider
This can be disabled in the config.
To Enable email verification ensure the User model implements the Laravel MustVerifyEmail contract:-
class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
and include the verified middleware in your routes.
Another Laravel built in notification, but to enable the custom email just add this function to your authenticatable user model.
use Visualbuilder\EmailTemplates\Notifications\UserResetPasswordRequestNotification;
* @param $token
* @return void
public function sendPasswordResetNotification($token)
$url = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL::secure(route('password.reset', ['token' => $token, 'email' =>$this->email]));
$this->notify(new UserResetPasswordRequestNotification($url));
Some theme colour options have been provided. Email templates will use the default theme unless you specify otherwise on the email template.
In the config file config/filament-email-templates.php
logo, contacts, links and admin preferences can be set
//Default Logo
'logo' => 'media/email-templates/logo.png',
//Logo size in pixels -> 200 pixels high is plenty big enough.
'logo_width' => '476',
'logo_height' => '117',
//Content Width in Pixels
'content_width' => '600',
//Contact details included in default email templates
'customer-services' => ['email' => 'support@yourcompany.com',
'phone' => '+441273 455702'],
//Footer Links
'links' => [
['name' => 'Website', 'url' => 'https://yourwebsite.com', 'title' => 'Goto website'],
['name' => 'Privacy Policy', 'url' => 'https://yourwebsite.com/privacy-policy', 'title' => 'View Privacy Policy'],
If you wish to directly edit the template blade files see the primary template here:-
You are free to create new templates in this directory which will be automatically visible in the email template editor dropdown for selection.
Each email template has a key and a language so
Key: user-password-reset
Language: en_gb
This allows the relevant template to be selected based on the users locale - You will need to save the users preferred language to implement this.
Please note laravel default locale is just "en" we prefer to separate British and American English so typically use en_GB and en_US instead but you can set this value as you wish.
Languages that should be shown on the language picker can be set in the config
'default_locale' => 'en_GB',
//These will be included in the language picker when editing an email template
'languages' => [
'en_GB' => ['display' => 'British', 'flag-icon' => 'gb'],
'en_US' => ['display' => 'USA', 'flag-icon' => 'us'],
'es' => ['display' => 'Español', 'flag-icon' => 'es'],
'fr' => ['display' => 'Français', 'flag-icon' => 'fr'],
'in' => ['display' => 'Hindi', 'flag-icon' => 'in'],
'pt' => ['display' => 'Brasileiro', 'flag-icon' => 'br'],
Flag icons are loaded from CDN: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lipis/flag-icons@6.6.6/css/flag-icons.min.css see https://www.npmjs.com/package/flag-icons
We've currently opted to keep using a separate Mailable Class for each email type. This means when you create a new template in the admin, it will require a new php Class. The package provides an action to build the class if the file does not exist in app\Mail\VisualBuilder\EmailTemplates.
Note: I think we could easily implement a GenericMailable class to eliminate the need to create classes for each mail type.
Currently generated Mailable Classes will use the BuildGenericEmail Trait
namespace App\Mail;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Visualbuilder\EmailTemplates\Traits\BuildGenericEmail;
class MyFunkyNewEmail extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels, BuildGenericEmail;
public $template = 'email-template-key'; //Change this to the key of the email template content to load
public $sendTo;
* Create a new message instance.
* @return void
public function __construct($user) {
$this->sendTo = $user;
Just pass through the models you need and assign them in the constructor.
class MyFunkyNewEmai extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels, BuildGenericEmail;
public $template = 'email-template-key'; //Change this to the key of the email template content to load
public $sendTo;
public $booking;
public function __construct($user, Booking $booking) {
$this->user = $user;
$this->booking = $booking;
$this->sendTo = $user->email;
In this example you can then use ##booking.date## or whatever attributes are available in the booking model.
If you need to derive some attribute you can add Accessors to your model.
Both of these function will allow you to use:-
##user.full_name## in the email template:-
public function getFullNameAttribute()
return $this->firstname.' '.$this->lastname;
protected function fullName(): Attribute
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => $this->firstname.' '.$this->lastname,
In here you can see how to pass an attachment:-
The attachment should be passed to the Mail Class and set as a public property.
In this case we've passed an Order model and an Invoice PDF attachment.
class SalesOrderEmail extends Mailable
use Queueable, SerializesModels, BuildGenericEmail;
public $template = 'email-template-key'; //Change this to the key of the email template content to load
public $sendTo;
public $attachment;
public $order;
public function __construct($user, Order $order, $invoice) {
$this->user = $user;
$this->order = $order;
$this->attachment = $invoice;
$this->sendTo = $user->email;
The attachment is handled in the build function of the BuildGenericEmail trait. Customise the filename with attachment->filename You should also include the filetype.
public function build() {
$template = EmailTemplate::findEmailByKey($this->template, App::currentLocale());
if($this->attachment ?? false) {
$this->attachment->filepath, [
'as' => $this->attachment->filename,
'mime' => $this->attachment->filetype
$data = [
'content' => TokenHelper::replace($template->content, $this),
'preHeaderText' => TokenHelper::replace($template->preheader, $this),
'title' => TokenHelper::replace($template->title, $this)
return $this->from($template->from['email'],$template->from['name'])
->subject(TokenHelper::replace($template->subject, $this))
To maximise compatibility we've kept with the L9 mailable methods -> which still work on L10.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email support@ekouk.com instead of using the issue tracker.
The GNU GPLv3. Please see License File for more information.