
Context is the content separation for example:

  • "adobe" - Adobe installation
  • "microsoft" - Microsoft installation

Each context has its own folder under the bundles/ directory:

  • "adobe" - bundles/adobe/
  • "microsoft" - bundles/microsoft/

bundles/ directory structure:

  • bundles/{context}/ - all your context content
  • bundles/{context}/main.png - fixed name - the main image
  • bundles/{context}/content.js - fixed name - where content structured

content.js data structure:

var content = {
    "title": "Adobe update in progress",
    "heading": "Adobe installation in progress...",
    "description": "Some longer description right here. Please do not shut down"

How to use

Dynamically generating context-relevant page:

  • Search & replace {replace} text with the context

Example - if you're trying to launch the page for Adobe installation, you'd do this (on Mac or Linux):

cat template.html | sed -e 's/{replace}/adobe/g' > launch.html

You can also use the generate.sh or view source for working example: ./generate.sh adobe

Adding new context

To add a new context, just add a new folder with your context name. For example, if you want to add a new context called "putty", create a new folder called "putty" with the files main.png and content.js in it.

So, you'll have the following:

    +- adobe/
    +- putty/
        +-- main.png
        +-- content.js