
template_path support?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Does this gem support a template_path option à la Rails ActionMailer? So instead of putting all the <texter_name> views under app/views it can be anywhere like app/views/texters.

I tried emulating the ActionMailer way like so:

class UserTexter < Textris::Base
  default from: 'Our Team <+1 500-555-0006>'
  default template_path: "texters/#{name.underscore}"

But it still looks exclusively under app/views.

Use case for this would be to separate texters from mailers and every other views under app/views to allow view organization like the following:

  • app/views/mailers
  • app/views/texters

Hi! Sorry for a huge time without any response here. We're doing our best to de-dust open source projects, but as of writing I must say that we do not meet required throughput to provide resolution for this issue. I'll add Help Wanted label here and if anyone comes up - feel more than welcome to contribute and open a PR!