Implement texter classes for sending SMS messages in similar way to how e-mails are sent with ActionMailer-based mailers. Take advantage of e-mail proxying and enhanced phone number parsing, among others.
- agerber23
- aldesantis@nebulab
- aysyal31
- ChrisLusted
- CollinGraves@north-labs
- czj@levups
- danpariente
- datenimperatorObjektkultur Software GmbH
- derekrockwellZipnosis, Inc.
- eashmanBethesda, MD
- esaul
- farukcaModaltrans
- favour121BlueBic
- ferdinandrosarioTamilNadu
- halilimBursa, Turkey
- hopsoftHopsoft LLC
- jfranzinVibe
- joaodiogocostaCoimbra, PT
- karolsluszniakCloudless Studio
- kotu-pl
- kvzbNodalview
- oleksify@Contractbook
- philnash@datastax
- plicjoOr Equals
- sakirtemelWarsaw
- sergmetelin@swirldslabs
- shenoudabmobiThought
- sliweckiCracow, Poland
- smostovoyUkraine
- spiritscThinkDifferent
- tangrufus@TypistTech, @inpsyde
- thanhluanuitITviec
- VaultmanUNODOR LTD
- veverkapthis one
- yuki24Tokyo, Japan
- zulhfreelancerMalaysia