
The project contains two applications. One to print prime numbers and another to retrieve tweets from twitter

Primary LanguageScala

Akka streams projects

This project provides two applications that utilise streams API of Akka:

  • PrimeNumbersStreamingApplication that prints prime numbers till 100
  • TwitterTweets that print 100 tweets for a supplied hash tag.


To run this spplication, do the following

  • Supply as a program argument, a hash tag that shall be used to search for tweets. Supplied hash tag must be prefixed with a #. #scala for instanse, is a valid hashtag.
  • Go to application management site of twitter and login with your credentials. Create an application and go to the tab Keys and Access Tokens in Application Management
  • Collect the following values to authenticate your requests to the Twitter Platform.
    • API Key
    • API secret
    • Access Token and
    • Access token secret
  • Supply those values as the following environment variables
    • API_KEY
  • That's it. You've completed all the necessary preliminary work to run the application 👍