
Regtest(Local Testnet) daemon for Bitcoin Cash(Bitcoin ABC)

Primary LanguageShell


Regtest daemon that auto-mines transactions every 5 sec.

Blocks get mined to the following account:

            ADDRESS                |                     PRIVATE KEY

mnJQyeDFmGjNoxyxKQC6MMFdpx77rYV3Bo | cVVGgzVgcc5S3owCskoneK8R1BNGkBveiEcGDaxu8RRDvFcaQaSG

Run instructions

Start docker using: docker run -d --name bch-bitcoind-regtest -p 8332:8332 vishy12/bch-bitcoind-regtest:latest

RPC Access

RPC is enabled on the port 8332.

  • RPC Username - root
  • RPC Password - bitcoin

For e.g., you could do: curl -u root:bitcoin -X GET http://localhost:8332/getblockchaininfo