
Official Moralis C# .NET SDK

Primary LanguageC#


Official Moralis C# .NET SDK # Moralis-.NET-SDK Moralis C# .NET Software Development Kit (SDK) used to enable applications to easily integrate with Moralis services.

Moralis Configuration

Configuration for server connection information is handled in the ServerConnectionData object. Before using Moralis, create an instance of this object to pass into the moralis initialization method.

General Configuration Parameters.

  • ApiKey string: [OPTIONAL] The Web3Api key, must be supplied to initialize Web3Api to use standard REST server. Required if you are going to use the Authentication API, Web3Api, or Solana API.
  • AuthenticationApiUrl string: [OPTIONAL] Moralis Authentication 2.0 server endpoint URL. Defaults to current Moralus Auth URL
  • Headers IDictionary<string, string>: [OPTIONAL] dditional HTTP headers to be sent with network requests from the SDK.
  • MasterKey string: [OPTIONAL] The Master Key for the Moralis app. Important, must be kept secret!.
  • Web3ApiUrl - [OPTIONAL] URL for Web3 Api and Solana Api

Starting Up Moralis

Starting Moralis is as simple as setting up configuration and creating an instance of the MoralisClient.


ServerConnectionData conData = new ServerConnectionData()
    MasterKey = "MASTER_KEY"


Authentication flow is accomplished through the Moralis SDK AuthenticationApi but starts in a client application. Demo

  1. Client Application calls the custom backend server application that contains the Moralis C# SDK.
  2. Server App creates a Moralis.AuthApi.Models.ChallengeRequestDto request object:
ChallengeRequestDto req = new ChallengeRequestDto()
    // The Ethereum address performing the signing conformant to capitalization encoded
    // checksum specified in EIP-55 where applicable.
    Address = addr,
    // The EIP-155 Chain ID to which the session is bound, and the network where Contract
    // Accounts MUST be resolved.
    ChainId = 80001,
    // The RFC 3986 authority that is requesting the signing
    Domain = "1155project.com",
    // The ISO 8601 datetime string that, if present, indicates when the signed
    // authentication message is no longer valid.
    ExpirationTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(60),
    // The ISO 8601 datetime string that, if present, indicates when the signed
    // authentication message will become valid.
    NotBefore = DateTime.UtcNow,
    // A list of information or references to information the user wishes to have resolved
    // as part of authentication by the relying party. They are expressed as RFC 3986 URIs
    // separated by "\n- " where \n is the byte 0x0a.
    Resources = new string[] { "https://www.1155project.com" },
    // Time is seconds at which point this request becomes invalid.
    Timeout = 120,
    // A human-readable ASCII assertion that the user will sign, and it must not
    // contain '\n' (the byte 0x0a).
    Statement = "Please confirm",
    // An RFC 3986 URI referring to the resource that is the subject of the signing
    // (as in the subject of a claim).
    Uri = "https://1155project.com/"
  1. Call the Challenge operation of the AuthenticationApi.AuthEndpoint and return the response to the calling application.
resp = await MoralisClient.AuthenticationApi.AuthEndpoint.Challenge(req, ChainNetworkType.evm);

return resp;
  1. Calling application signs the provided message and sends the signature back to the server application.
  2. The Server application sends the signature to Moralis for Authentication via the CompleteChallenge operation of the AuthenticationApi.AuthEndpoint. Start by creating a ChallengCompleteRequestDTO request object using the signature returned by the client application and the message sent to be signed. It is important that the exact message signed is returned via this request.
CompleteChallengeRequestDto completeReq = new CompleteChallengeRequestDto()
	Message = clientRequest.Message,
	Signature = clientRequest.Signature

CompleteChallengeResponseDto completeResp = await MoralisClient.AuthenticationApi.AuthEndpoint.CompleteChallenge(completeReq, ChainNetworkType.evm);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here is where you would save authentication information to the database.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here is where you would generate a JWT or other authentication response object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Return custom authentication response here.
  1. Handle the response from Moralis and create and return your custom authentication response.

🏗 Ethereum Web3Api Methods

Web3Api Notes

The complete Moralis Web3API schema including endpoints, operations and models, can be found by logging in to your Moralis Server and selecting Web3 API*

For use with either Moralis Web3 Unity SDK or in Unity3d, the following using statements are required:


Supported EVM chains are currently: eth = 0x1, ropsten = 0x3, rinkeby = 0x4, goerli = 0x5, kovan = 0x2a, polygon = 0x89, mumbai = 0x13881, bsc = 0x38, bsc_testnet = 0x61, avalanche = 0xa86a, avalanche_testnet = 0xa869, fantom = 0xfa, cronos = 0x19, cronos_testnet = 0x152

These values on in an Enum named ChainList under Moralis.Web3Api.Models.


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Account endpoint and operations.


Gets native balance for a specific address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.


NativeBalance balance = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNativeBalance(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNativeBalance Balance: {balance.Balance}");


Gets NFTs owned by the given address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "name", "name.ASC", "name.DESC", Example 2: "Name and Symbol", "name.ASC,symbol.DESC"


NftOwnerCollection nftCollection = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTs(userAddress, chainId);

if (nftCollection.Total < 1)
    Debug.Log($"User {userAddress} does not have any NFTs on chain {chainId.ToString()}");
    Debug.Log($"Nfts for User {userAddress}");

    foreach (NftOwner nft in nftCollection.Result)
        Debug.Log($"TokenId: {nft.TokenId}, Name: {nft.Name}, Balance: {nft.Amount}");


Gets NFTs owned by the given address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenAddress string REQUIRED Address of the contract
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "name", "name.ASC", "name.DESC", Example 2: "Name and Symbol", "name.ASC,symbol.DESC"


NftOwnerCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTsForContract(address.ToLower(), "0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTsForContract Count: {resp.Total}");


Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • direction string OPTIONAL The transfer direction
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL The field(s) to order on and if it should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Specified by: fieldName1.order,fieldName2.order. Example 1: "name", "name.ASC", "name.DESC", Example 2: "Name and Symbol", "name.ASC,symbol.DESC"


NftTransferCollection balance = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetNFTTransfers(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTTransfers Matches: {balance.Total}");


Gets token balances for a specific address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.


List<Erc20TokenBalance> balance = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetTokenBalances(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenBalances Count: {balance.Count}");


Gets ERC20 token transactions in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


Erc20TransactionCollection balance = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetTokenTransfers(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenTransfers Count: {balance.Total}");


Gets native transactions in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


TransactionCollection balance = await moralis.Web3Api.Account.GetTransactions(address.ToLower(), ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTransactions Count: {balance.Total}");


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Defi endpoint and operations.


Fetches and returns pair data of the provided token0+token1 combination. The token0 and token1 options are interchangable (ie. there is no different outcome in "token0=WETH and token1=USDT" or "token0=USDT and token1=WETH")

  • exchange string REQUIRED The factory name or address of the token exchange
  • token0Address string REQUIRED Token0 address
  • token1Address string REQUIRED Token1 address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)


ReservesCollection nftTransers = moralis.Web3Api.Defi.GetPairAddress(exchange, token0Address, token1Address, ChainList.eth);


Get the liquidity reserves for a given pair address

  • pairAddress string REQUIRED Liquidity pair address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


ReservesCollection nftTransers = moralis.Web3Api.Defi.GetPairReserves(pairAddress, ChainList.eth);


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Native endpoint and operations.


Gets the contents of a block by block hash

  • blockNumberOrHash string REQUIRED The block hash or block number
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


Block block = moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetBlock(blockNumberOrHash, ChainList.eth);


Gets events in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • topic string REQUIRED The topic of the event. This is the hash of the function
  • abi object REQUIRED ABI of the event being searched for. See example below for object format.
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


    // Event ABI input parameters
    object[] inputParams = new object[3];
    inputParams[0] = new { indexed = true, internalType = "bytes32", name = "role", type = "bytes32" };
    inputParams[1] = new { indexed = true, internalType = "address", name = "account", type = "address" };
    inputParams[2] = new { indexed = true, internalType = "address", name = "sender", type = "address" };
    // Event ABI
    object abi = new { anonymous = false, inputs = inputParams, name = "RoleGranted", type = "event" };

    List<LogEvent> logEvents = await moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetContractEvents("0x698d7D745B7F5d8EF4fdB59CeB660050b3599AC3", "0x2f8788117e7eff1d82e926ec794901d17c78024a50270940304540a733656f0d", abi, ChainList.mumbai);

    Debug.Log($"Contract Function returned {logEvents.Count} events");


Gets the closest block of the provided date

  • data string REQUIRED Unix date in miliseconds or a datestring (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


string blockNumberOrHash = "25509457";
Block block = await moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetBlock(blockNumberOrHash, chainId);
Debug.Log($"GetBlock BlockNumber: {block.Number}, Transaction Count: {block.TransactionCount}");


Gets the logs from an address

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • blockNumber string OPTIONAL The block number.
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • topic0 string OPTIONAL
  • topic1 string OPTIONAL
  • topic2 string OPTIONAL
  • topic3 string OPTIONAL


LogEventByAddress logEvents = await moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetLogsByAddress(userAddress, chainId);
Debug.Log($"GetLogsByAddress BlockNumber: {logEvents.BlockNumber}, Transaction Count: {logEvents.Data}");


Gets NFT transfers by block number or block hash

  • blockNumberOrHash string REQUIRED The block hash or block number
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


NftTransferCollection nftTransfers = await moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetNFTTransfersByBlock("500000", chainId);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTTransfersByBlock Nfts returned: {nftTransfers.Result.Count}");


Gets the contents of a block transaction by hash

  • transactionHash string REQUIRED The transaction hash
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


string transactionHash = "0xe1ec2dd9964f4dc59b53dce083917abfb5ab5191a37cb1e21566969caa614fcd";
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = await moralis.Web3Api.Native.GetTransaction(transactionHash, ChainList.mumbai);
Debug.Log($"Block transaction BlackNumber: {blockTransaction.BlockNumber}, from Address: {blockTransaction.FromAddress}");


Runs a given function of a contract abi and returns readonly data

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • abi object REQUIRED Abi of the Function being called - see example for format.
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • functionName string REQUIRED Function name of the target function.
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


// Function ABI input parameters
object[] inputParams = new object[1];
inputParams[0] = new { internalType = "uint256", name = "id", type = "uint256" };
// Function ABI Output parameters
object[] outputParams = new object[1];
outputParams[0] = new { internalType = "string", name = "", type = "string" };
// Function ABI
object[] abi = new object[1];
abi[0] = new { inputs = inputParams, name = "uri", outputs = outputParams, stateMutability = "view", type = "function" };

// Define request object
RunContractDto rcd = new RunContractDto()
    Abi = abi,
    Params = new { id = "15310200874782" }

string resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Native.RunContractFunction("0x698d7D745B7F5d8EF4fdB59CeB660050b3599AC3", "uri", rcd, ChainList.mumbai);

Debug.Log($"Contract Function returned: {resp}");


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Resolve endpoint and operations.


Resolves an Unstoppable domain and returns the address

  • domain string REQUIRED Domain to be resolved
  • currency string OPTIONAL The currency to query.


Resolve resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Resolve.ResolveDomain("brad.crypto");
Debug.Log($"ResolveDomain Address: {resp.Address}");


Resolves an ETH address and find the ENS name

  • address string REQUIRED The wallet address to perform reverse lookup on.


Ens resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Resolve.ResolveAddress("0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045");
Debug.Log($"ResolveAddress Name: {resp.Name}");


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Storage endpoint and operations.


Resolves an ETH address and find the ENS name

  • request List REQUIRED Upload Data


// Define file information.
IpfsFileRequest req = new IpfsFileRequest()
	Path = "moralis/logo.jpg",

// Multiple requests can be sent via a List so define the request list.
List<IpfsFileRequest> reqs = new List<IpfsFileRequest>();

// Add requests to request list.

List<IpfsFile> resp = moralis.Web3Api.Storage.UploadFolder(reqs);


Code examples demonstrating how to use the Moralis Web3API Token endpoint and operations.


Gets data, including metadata (where available), for all token ids for the given contract address.

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetAllTokenIds("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetAllTokenIds returned {resp.Total} Nfts");


Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftTransferCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetContractNFTTransfers("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetContractNFTTransfers returned {resp.Total} Nft transfer entries");


Get the lowest price found for a nft token contract for the last x days (only trades paid in ETH)

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • days integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • marketplace string OPTIONAL web3 marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment)


Trade resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTLowestPrice("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, 2000);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTLowestPrice Price: {resp.Price}");


Gets the contract level metadata (name, symbol, base token uri) for the given contract

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query


NftContractMetadata resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTMetadata("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTMetadata Name: {resp.Name}, TokenAddress: {resp.TokenAddress}");


Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftOwnerCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTOwners("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTOwners returned {resp.Total} Nft Owner records");


Get the nft trades for a given contracts and marketplace

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • marketplace string OPTIONAL web3 marketplace from where to get the trades (only opensea is supported at the moment)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


TradeCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNFTTrades("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetNFTTrades returned {resp.Total} Nft trades");


Gets the transfers of the tokens from a block number to a block number

  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • format string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftTransferCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetNftTransfersFromToBlock(ChainList.eth, 99999, 25999999, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetNftTransfersFromToBlock returned {resp.Total} Nft Transfers");


Gets ERC20 token contract transactions in descending order based on block number

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


Erc20TransactionCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenAddressTransfers("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", ChainList.eth, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenAddressTransfers returned {resp.Total} transfer entries");


Gets the amount which the spender is allowed to withdraw from the spender

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • ownerAddress string REQUIRED Target address
  • spenderAddress string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


Erc20Allowance allowance = moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenAllowance(address, ownerAddress, spenderAddress, ChainList.eth);


Gets data, including metadata (where available), for the given token id of the given contract address.

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenId string REQUIRED The id of the token
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id


Nft resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenIdMetadata("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", "10", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenIdMetadata Name: {resp.Name}, Amount: {resp.Amount}");


Gets all owners of NFT items within a given contract collection

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenId string REQUIRED The id of the token
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftOwnerCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenIdOwners("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", "10", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenIdOwners returned {resp.Total} Nfts");


Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.

  • address List REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain


List<string> addresses = new List<string>();
List<Erc20Metadata> resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenMetadata(addresses, ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenMetadata returned {resp.Count} entries.");


Returns metadata (name, symbol, decimals, logo) for a given token contract address.

  • symbols List REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The symbols to get metadata for
  • subdomain string OPTIONAL The subdomain of the moralis server to use (Only use when selecting local devchain as chain)


List<string> symbols = new List<string>();
List<Erc20Metadata> resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenMetadataBySymbol(symbols, ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenMetadataBySymbol returned {resp.Count} entries.");


Returns the price nominated in the native token and usd for a given token contract address.

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • providerUrl string OPTIONAL web3 provider url to user when using local dev chain
  • exchange string OPTIONAL The factory name or address of the token exchange
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.


Erc20Price resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetTokenPrice("0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f", ChainList.eth);
Debug.Log($"GetTokenPrice Price: {resp.UsdPrice} USD");


Gets the transfers of the tokens matching the given parameters

  • address string REQUIRED Target address
  • tokenId string REQUIRED The id of the token
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit
  • order string OPTIONAL If the order should be Ascending or Descending based on the blocknumber on which the NFT was minted. Allowed values: "ASC", "DESC"


NftTransferCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.GetWalletTokenIdTransfers("0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d", "10", ChainList.eth, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"GetWalletTokenIdTransfers returned {resp.Total} Nfts");


Gets NFTs that match a given metadata search.

  • q string REQUIRED The search string
  • chain ChainList REQUIRED The chain to query
  • foramt string OPTIONAL The format of the token id
  • filter string OPTIONAL What fields the search should match on. To look into the entire metadata set the value to 'global'. To have a better response time you can look into a specific field like name. Available values : name, description, attributes, global, name,description, name,attributes, description,attributes, name,description,attributes
  • fromBlock string OPTIONAL The minimum block number from where to get the logs.
  • toBlock string OPTIONAL The maximum block number from where to get the logs.
  • fromDate string OPTIONAL The date from where to get the logs (any format that is accepted by momentjs).
  • toDate string OPTIONAL Get the logs to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs)
  • offset integer OPTIONAL Offset
  • limit integer OPTIONAL Limit


NftMetadataCollection resp = await moralis.Web3Api.Token.SearchNFTs("Apes", ChainList.eth, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 10);
Debug.Log($"SearchNFTs returned {resp.Total} Nfts");

🏗 Solana Api Methods

Solana Account

Solana Balance

NativeBalance bal = await moralis.SolanaApi.Account.Balance(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana GetNFTs

List<SplNft> bal = await moralis.SolanaApi.Account.GetNFTs(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana GetPortfolio

Portfolio bal = await moralis.SolanaApi.Account.GetPortfolio(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana GetSplTokens

List<SplTokenBalanace> bal = await moralis.SolanaApi.Account.GetSplTokens(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");

Solana NFT

Solana GetNFTMetadata

NftMetadata bal = await moralis.SolanaApi.Nft.GetNFTMetadata(NetworkTypes.mainnet, "6XU36wCxWobLx5Rtsb58kmgAJKVYmMVqy4SHXxENAyAe");