
Kubernetes manifest resources for Netbox. All Images are pulled from docker hub.


Kubernetes manifest resources for Netbox. all images are pulled from docker hub. Netbox images pulled from https://hub.docker.com/r/ninech/netbox/

Quickstart on Minikube

To get NetBox up and running:

git clone 
cd netbox-kubernetes
kubectl apply -f netbox-namespace.yaml 
kubectl apply -f postgres-all.yaml --namespace netbox
kubectl apply -f netbox-all.yaml --namespace netbox
kubectl apply -f nginx-all.yaml --namespace netbox

At the moment you can access the application using follwing command.

kubectl get pods -n netbox

Now you can replace Nginx-Pod-Name

kubectl port-forward Nginx-Pod-Name 8001:80 --namespace netbox

or expose ports in one command:

kubectl get pods -A -l=frontend=nginx -o name | awk '{print "kubectl port-forward " $1 " 8001:80 --namespace netbox"}' | bash

8001 is a localport It can be changed according to you. The application will be available after a few minutes. "http://localhost:8001"

**accessing** Netbox using NodePort 
As Netbox is using ALLOWED_HOST variable , we need to update the value of it as well as in /etc/hosts in order to access it on nodeport. for example, netbox.netbox is FQDN   

Default credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin




You can configure the app using environment variables. These are defined in ConfigMap section in netbox-all.yaml file.


Ingress-Contorler Helm Chart


This is a living document. If you spot areas that can be improved or rewritten, contributions are welcome!