
Self-hosted on your tiny device an AI Computer Vision-based face detection app for video surveillance and notification

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

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Self-hosted on your tiny device an AI Computer Vision-based face detection app for video surveillance and notification

Simple. Fast. Rust.

Based on opencv and libfacedetection libs.

1. General

This application performs face recognition (usually in motion detection) followed by notification you by uploading captured images to your Telegram group. You can run it on any self-hosted tiny device, like Banana Pi M64 or Raspberry Pi 4 as I do.

IMPORTANT: please do not forget to configure preliminary generated both token and channel params under telegram section of your config/aicam.toml config file.

2. OpenCV lib

2.1 Getting sources

➜  ✗ git clone --recursive https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git && cd ./opencv

2.2. Building @ Linux (x86_64)

➜  opencv git:(4.x) mkdir -p build/x86_64 && cd build/x86_64
➜  x86_64 git:(4.x) cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../dist/x86_64 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../platforms/linux/gnu.toolchain.cmake ../..
➜  x86_64 git:(4.x) make -j $(nproc)
➜  x86_64 git:(4.x) make install

2.3. Cross-compiling for Odroid U3


2.4. Cross-compiling for Banana Pi M64


2.5. Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi 4


2.6. Cross-compiling for Orange Pi Zero 2W


3. aicam

3.1. Building and running @ Linux (x86_64)

➜  ✗ git clone https://github.com/vitali2y/aicam_libfacedetection.git && cd aicam_libfacedetection
➜  aicam_libfacedetection git:(master) ✗ git clone --recursive https://github.com/vitali2y/libfacedetection-rs.git
Cloning into 'libfacedetection-rs'...
➜  aicam_libfacedetection git:(master) ✗ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./dist/x86_64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
➜  aicam_libfacedetection git:(master) ✗ RUST_LOG=debug mold -run cargo r  # or, just: RUST_LOG=debug cargo run
    Updating crates.io index
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 25.70s
     Running `target/debug/aicam_libfacedetection`
aicam 0.1.0
AI face detection & notification app (opencv + libfacedetection)
[2024-03-03T13:50:53Z DEBUG aicam] camera /dev/video0 (640x480) is running...
[2024-03-03T13:50:56Z DEBUG aicam] face: Face { confidence: 94, x: 220, y: 240, width: 262, height: 223, landmarks: [(271, 398), (378, 410), (296, 480), (269, 524), (360, 534)] }
[2024-03-03T13:50:56Z DEBUG aicam] saving to ./output/aicam_20240303155056.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:50:56Z DEBUG aicam::upload] uploading ./output/aicam_20240303155056.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:50:56Z DEBUG reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://api.telegram.org/
[2024-03-03T13:50:57Z DEBUG aicam] saving to ./output/aicam_20240303155056.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:50:57Z DEBUG aicam::upload] uploading ./output/aicam_20240303155056.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:50:57Z DEBUG reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://api.telegram.org/
[2024-03-03T13:50:58Z DEBUG aicam] saving to ./output/aicam_20240303155057.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:50:58Z DEBUG aicam::upload] uploading ./output/aicam_20240303155057.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:50:58Z DEBUG reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://api.telegram.org/
[2024-03-03T13:51:00Z DEBUG aicam] saving to ./output/aicam_20240303155059.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:51:00Z DEBUG aicam::upload] uploading ./output/aicam_20240303155059.jpg
[2024-03-03T13:51:00Z DEBUG reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://api.telegram.org/

3.2. Cross-compiling for Odroid U3


3.3. Cross-compiling for Banana Pi M64


3.4. Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi 4


3.5. Cross-compiling for Orange Pi Zero 2W