
Two demos: storing/getting data to/from AXEL blockchain (https://axel.network/) with using OP_RETURN, and, file signing/verifying based on signmessage/verifymessage API calls

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A demo for storing/getting data to/from AXEL blockchain with using OP_RETURN, and extra demo of file signing/verifying based on signmessage and verifymessage AXEL blockchain API calls

Sending your message to AXEL blockchain

node ./send.js --rpcuser=<your_rpcuser> --rpcpassword=<your_rpcpassword> --msg=<your_msg>

Searching for your message inside AXEL blockchain

node ./show.js --rpcuser=<your_rpcuser> --rpcpassword=<your_rpcpassword>

Demo (screenshot)

Demo log during executing on testnet.

Block with embedded message inside

File signing based on signmessage AXEL blockchain API call

node ./sign-file.js --rpcuser=<my_rpcuser> --rpcpassword=<my_rpcpassword> --address=<your_address> --file=<your_file>

File verifying based on verifymessage AXEL blockchain API call

node ./verify-file.js --rpcuser=<my_rpcuser> --rpcpassword=<my_rpcpassword> --address=<your_address> --sig=<your_sig> --file=<your_file>