= SHelper SHelper is a Jabber agent written in ruby that will help system administrators with their daily tasks. It was inspired by Engine Yard Vertebra. Agent can be extended with plugins. Configure your unix servers from your favorite Jabber IM. Copyright (c) 2008 Vitalie Lazu, vitalie.lazu[at]gmail[dot]com Please post bugs and feature requests at http://shelper.uservoice.com == How this agent can be used? * Sysadmin - server communications * Install packages, gems, update firewall config, daily sysadmin tasks that are borring after some time to execute on many servers * Server to server communications, ssh do not scale and it takes more time to setup * For example nagios server can use local agent to query remote servers for status of the services, free disk and server load * Agents with custom plugins for an application can collect performance metrics, like apache requests per seconds, network traffic, server load, etc. Data will be collected to central place and can be used to plot graphs, to be used for analysis * Can be used as a replacement for puppet and cfengine == Examples and use cases TODO