The goal of this guide is to help you prepare and practice for your next Frontend job interview. We have curated this list of resources to keep it as impactful as possible. The learning resources are mostly focused around JavaScript, but the practice questions cover the entire Frontend spectrum.
This guide is targeted specifically to Frontend roles in the industry. There are resources about JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and general Frontend knowledge. We've also included introductory Data Structures and Algorithm questions. Not all companies interview Frontend developers the same way -- that's why we also created How Companies Hire to give you an insight into how to prepare for the specific company you're applying for.
When it comes to preparing for interviews there's no real secret. You have to learn the material and practice.
These resources are the ideal to brush up on Frontend related topics. Before diving into practice questions it's best to review or learn Frontend specific material.
You Don't Know JS is arguablly the single best resource for learning JavaScript and how it works under the hood.
Even though this book is higher level than the previous two, it's worth reading. After reviewing the previous low level books applying that to design patterns should bring everything together.
If you're already very familiar with data structures it's worth skipping this. Depending on the type of Frontend job you're looking for Itsy Bitsy Data Structures may not be completely relevant -- although, it will strengthen any developers approach to programming.
This is where it all comes together. Go through as many practice problems as you can. There's no secret to it other than time, effort, and repetition. If you don't know an answer spend extra time understanding it.
and answers
David Shariff quiz
The Front End Web Development Quiz from David Shariff is more fun than realistic.
A lot of the questions are specific nuggets of information that are generally not
asked in real interviews. Go through this one and have some fun, but don't be too
worried about your score.
TripleByte online quiz should only be done if you are serious about applying to a company they partner with. Their Frontend interview process if real and can lead to a potential job offer.
These questions are meant to reflect real interview questions you would get from interviewing at Facebook or Airbnb. Try your best to solve the questions without looking up answers. Break the problem down into small pieces and start solving from there.
The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures
This is a curated list of resources by the team at Jobeir. Find the best jobs at the best tech companies.
We're a new (engineering/product/design focused) job board focused on helping people find their perfect job. We value the small details and making a difference through communication, content, and product.