
Rails standalone GraphQL api for Airbnb like mobile application

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Setup environment

    bundle install

  • Database setup

    rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

  • Running backend on local

    rails s

  • Running unit test

    rails test

Docker Development

Install docker and docker-compose. To start, restart your docker api stack. Copy the dev docker file to the default. We do this as you may want to have changes in your environment that you may not want to accidentally commit.

cp docker-compose.dev.yml docker-compose.yml

To start, restart your docker api stack. If you don't copy the file above you will have to use the -f <filename> flag.

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

Re-Bundle gems within the api image

docker-compose up -d --build

DB Create / Migrate / Seed. Each can be run separately.

docker-compose run api rake db:create db:migrate db:seed