Grafbase ⨯ Solid

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Deploy to Grafbase
Deploy to Vercel

Getting Started

  1. Run npx degit grafbase/grafbase/examples/solid grafbase-with-solid to clone this example
  2. Deploy schema to Grafbase
  3. Change directory into the new folder cd grafbase-with-solid
  4. Run cp .env.example .env to copy the example .env.example file to .env
  5. Open .env in your code editor, and provide your Grafbase API endpoint and API key
  6. Run npm install, or yarn install to install dependencies
  7. Run npm run graphql, or yarn graphql to generate types from Schema
  8. Run vercel dev and visit http://localhost:3000

Learn More About Grafbase

To learn more about Grafbase, take a look at the following resources:

  • Grafbase - learn about Grafbase features and API.

To learn more about Solid, take a look at the following resources:

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