
Fingerprinting configuration to filter out and ignore errors from common crawlers and bots in Rollbar.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Fingerprinting configuration to filter out and ignore errors from common crawlers and bots in Rollbar.

How it works

Groups error messages based on a custom fingerprinting configuration. These errors can then be muted and thus ignored.


  1. Paste the contents of fingerprint-config.json into the Custom Fingerprinting settings area in Rollbar (Settings > Custom Fingerprinting).
  2. Once your first bot hits the site, a new error item called Crawler JS error will appear in the main dashboard/items screen. Mute this item and further crawler errors will fall into this muted item, effectively removing them from polluting your true Rollbar items.

Further reading

See the official Rollbar docs on filtering and ignoring errors from bots for further integration details.