
  • Using gulp 4.0
  • BrowserSync
  • ES2015 with Babel
  • SASS with BEM-like methodology
  • Position sticky with polyfill
  • Parallax effect based on translate3d for performance
  • Smooth, 60 FPS animations
  • PostCSS
  • HTML5 features
  • A11Y
  • Picture element for images
  • Retina images
  • WebP format support
  • Supportes IE10+ and last 2 version of major browsers


You can open "dist/index.html" in your browser or serve with broser sync.

If you have gulp installed globally remove it and install culp-cli

npm rm -g gulp
npm i -g gulp-cli

Then install npm dependencies and run default task whitch build project from sorce files and serve in you browser (http://localhost:7007/)

npm i