
Vue.js directive to simply use SVG sprite

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Vue.js directive to simply use SVG sprite

This version (1.x.x) is compatible with Vue.js 2.0 (thanks to @lovethebomb)


This Vue.js plugin will add some attributes (viewBox, width and height) and the appropriate <use> to <svg> elements.

  • Use inline SVG spritesheet or an external SVG file
  • Use expression or symbol attribute to link the correct <symbol>
  • Use size attribute for viewBox, width and height (<svg>)
    • Comma or space separated values
    • 1, 2 or 4 values accepted
    • 1 value: x/y = 0, width = height (e.g.: 24)
    • 2 values: x/y = 0, width, height (e.g.: 24 24)
    • 4 values: x, y, width, height (e.g.: 0 0 24 24)
  • Options:
    • url: path to external SVG file (default: /assets/svg/sprite.svg, use '' for inline)
    • class: class for the SVG element (default: icon)

NB: If the className is already used (eg: via a modifier like icon--inline), the class option is not added…


import Vue from 'vue';
import SvgSprite from 'vue-svg-sprite';



If you are using this plugin with vue-server-renderer (directly or under the hood: NuxtJS, Vapper, …), server needs to render the directive specifically:

// Some config file…
const SvgSprite = require('vue-svg-sprite')

module.exports = {
  rendererOptions: {
    directives: {
      svg(vnode, directiveMeta) {
        SvgSprite.ssr(vnode, directiveMeta)

Nuxt (probably deprecated…)

If you are using this plugin with Nuxt make sure you import as a plugin without SSR since document.createElementNS does not exist.

plugins: [
  { src: '~/plugins/svg-sprite.js', ssr: false }


<svg v-svg
     size="0 0 24 24"

you can use an expression rather than the symbol (<svg v-svg="'icons-dashboard'"></svg>). size attributes gives the same output with "24", "24 24" or "0 0 24 24".


<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24" role="presentation" class="icon--inline">
  <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="/assets/svg/sprite.svg#icons-dashboard"></use>


Option Values Default Description
url String '/assets/svg/sprite.svg' path to external SVG file
class String 'icon' CSS class name
Vue.use(SvgSprite, {
  url: 'path/to/svg/file.svg',
  class: 'my-class',

If you want to use an inline SVG, set url option to ''.

To generate the SVG sprite file, you can use gulp-svgstore or grunt-svgstore.

NPM Greenkeeper badge


@lovethebomb @eregnier @jpsc @valjar @demiro @Warin


MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.