
Telegram bot for smart note taking with Notion as a storage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Declutter Me



Keep your notes organized by automatically parsing and putting them into corresponding database.


  • 🔍️️️️️️ Automatically detect which database to use for each note
  • 📝️️️️️️ Extract properties with proper types from your notes
  • 💡️️️️️️ A powerful and simple syntax for your message templates

Supported integrations:

  • Telegram – for quickly sending your notes
  • Notion – to store them in corresponding database

Stack & tools

  • Node.JS
  • Telegraf, Express, Mocha
  • React, Material UI
  • PostgreSQL
  • Telegram Bot API, Notion API

Project structure

  • backend/ – a Telegram Bot that saves notes to Notion
  • frontend/ – a template builder built with React
  • templater/ – an NPM package for parsing and applying message templates


  • npm start – run the project
  • npm test – run unit tests
  • npm db:migrate – run database migrations
  • npm run deploy – deploy to Github Pages