
Simplified batch data processing platform for Google Cloud Dataproc

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OBI (Objectively Better Infrastructure)

Build Status License

Simplified batch data processing platform for Google Cloud Dataproc

OBI is a project from Delivery Hero's Data Insight team which represents an attempt to optimize clusters resource utilization in order to limit their operational costs.


  • Optimize resource usage for low dimensional topologies (e.g., Borg/k8s was developed for contexts with vast amount of resources).
  • Delegate the entire value chain of data analysis to the end user removing the need for Platform Ops support.
  • Support automation of Data Operations: a user who wants run data analytics applications should not be bothered by system details, such as how to configure the amount of RAM a Spark Executor should use, how many cores are available in the system or even how many worker nodes should be used to meet an execution deadline.

Code Structure

  • assets generic assets e.g. images used in the code
  • chart OBI's Helm chart for easier Kubernetes deployments
  • client the CLI for the final user to allow him to submit his jobs to OBI
  • Dockerfiles a collection of Docker images we used to speed-up our components building process
  • master the main component which cares about scheduling and autoscaling
  • predictor web server listening for requests to the predictive component
  • predictor/predictors machine learning models used to provide predictions different from job duration
  • proto Google Proto Buffer files used to generate RPC communication interfaces between components
  • web web server exposing an API and a frontend for accessing jobs and clusters managed by OBI


OBI's architecture was designed to be a microservice architecture. In the below figure, each block but "DATAPROC" are supposed to be separated microservices, communicating between each other in different ways, depending on the needs. For example, given the requirement of high performance communication between the clusters master node and the heartbeat component, those communication is handled through Google's protobuf schemas. All the communication between components happens trhough RPC while the API component can be accessed through HTTP requests.

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OBI Workflow

OBI is meant to provide an abstraction layer between the user and the cluster infrastructure, in order to simplify the job submission process and to optimize operational costs.

OBI jobs may have different priority levels. If a job having maximum priority is submitted, OBI will create a cluster which will be exclusivelly allocated to that job. Otherwise, if a job with lower priority is submitted, OBI will try to pack it with similar jobs in bins, following a certain policy.

The scheduling policy and the priority levels are configurable through the OBI deployment YAML file. For more information about how to do that, see the README of the master component.

After jobs are scheduled and one or more clusters are allocated, each cluster is assigned with an autoscaler routine. This routine will monitor the cluster status through the heartbeat the OBI Master receives from them. Those heartbeats contain information about the resources utilization in the cluster which are used by the autoscaler to decide whether to add (or remove) nodes.

The goal of the autoscaler is to make the cluster working with the least possible amount of nodes at each time step. Indeed, each cluster created by OBI starts with the minimum possible amount of nodes, which are dynamically adjusted according to the needs of the running jobs.

Helm Chart

In order to make the Kubernetes deployment process easier, we have also provided an Helm chart available in the chart folder.

Open chart/values.yaml and fill in all the empty fields. In the secrets folder you have to place two files named dataproc-sa and storage-sa: they are the service accounts to use these services inside your Google Cloud Project. Once the configuration is completed, just deploy on your Kubernetes cluster with:

$ helm install chart


Once an OBI instance is deployed, jobs can be submitted to it. In order to do that you need to compile the OBI submitter client:

$ cd client/
$ go get .
$ go build .

This process requires you to install Go lang compiler and will produce you a client executable as output. Jobs can be submitted using the following command:


The executable path be either a Google Cloud Storage URI or local executable. The -t option defines the type of the job the user is submitting and, so far, only PySpark is supported. The OBI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME is the chart name used in the Helm install.

When submitting a job, the user is asked for username and password. Those values should be written by the system administrator in the Users table of the PostgreSQL. OBI leverages Stolon in order to provide HA for the dmbs. The administrator can access the dbms with the following commands, using the superuserPassword specified in values.yaml:

$ kubectl exec -it <pod-name-stolon-proxy> bash -n <namespace>
$ psql --host <helm-chart-name>-stolon-proxy --port 5432 postgres -U stolon -W

database which is used by OBI to store its state.

For more info about configuration and customization, see the README of each component (master, predictor, api).


Integrate OBI in your cloud infrastracture

OBI supports only Dataproc as a cloud computing service for now. However, it is easily extensible to support new platforms by simply adding new code for it. In fact, you would need to just add the code for you platform under the master/platforms folder. In this code you should provide your own struct extending model.ClusterBase and implementing model.ClusterBaseInterface.

As a reference, you can have a look at the existing Dataproc implementation available in master/platforms/dataproc.go.


The first step to compile OBI is to generate the protobuf code required for RPC communication between the components. Both protobuf and gRPC are strict requirements for this process. Keep in mind that OBI is written mainly in Go with some parts in Python so the dependencies have to be satisfied for both languages.

Install protobuf following the instructions for your specific environment.

To generate the protobuf code we provide a script, proto-gen.sh which will take care of all the development process.

$ ./proto-gen.sh

After the protobuf files are generated, for each component you can find a Dockerfile which can be used to create images from them to be deployed anywhere.

In order to rebuild the docker image of the modules:

$ cd <module-name>
$ docker build -t <registry-name>:<tag> .
$ docker push -t <registry-name>:<tag>

At this point you should simply specify the new image in the 'values.yaml' file for the Helm chart and install again.

Before building the master image, however, you will need to generate SSL/TLS certificates to be used by the gRPC server side communication encryption. In particular, you need to generate a a private RSA key to sign and authenticate the public key and a self-signed X.509 public keys for distribution. Those two keys have to be named server.key and server.crt respectivevly and they have to be placed under the master/ folder. For more details on how to generate those two keys you can have a look here.

IMPORTANT: because of the fact that we do not have a certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority, at the moment the client skips the verification of the certificate's trustworthy (here). However, if the user can provide a certificate coming from a trusted certificate authority he can also drop the skip performed by the client here.