
Docker image for pentaho server 9.4 and container configuration

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Pentaho server-deployment steps using docker:

1 - Send to the Dev/Prod server the package "pentaho-server-docker" (folder with dockerfile, docker-compose, lib, data)

2 - Create pentaho server 9 image (build) based on dockerfile (command: docker-compose build)

If the Dev/Prod server does not have internet access, it will not be possible to create the image, so perform additional steps before running:

Generate image on a machine that has internet access and export the image (docker save) to a file .tar Upload file to Dev/Prod server (docker load)

3 - create image && run container (command: docker-compose up)

4 - Upload jobs/transformations zip to pentaho server web (http://server_ip:8081/pentaho/Login)

5 - adjust connection and user control settings

6 - Configure schedule for job execution

it is also possible:

Commit the container to generate snapshot. Store the image in Docker-hub or nexus repository, using the concept of registering the image. Docker / compose command set

build (image creation)

docker build -t pentaho_server_ce:9.4 .

via compose:

docker-compose build

Verification of image/container

  • docker images
  • docker ps
  • docker ps -a
  • docker inspect
  • docker logs --follow (container_id)

run (container creation && start)

docker run -p pentaho_server_ce:9.4

via compose:

docker-compose up

Interactive shell (console) for container

docker exec -t -i pentaho-server /bin/bash

Start of created container

docker container start pentaho-server

via compose:

docker-compose start

Stop of running container

docker container stop pentaho-server

via compose:

docker-compose stop

Customize container, vim confs etc., backup image (snapshot)

docker commit (container_id) pentaho_server_ce_my_snapshot

Environment Information

( http://server_ip:8081/pentaho/Login , goto /Browse Files/Public/Data Integration/Get Environment Information)

Variable Value
Internal.Kettle.Build.Version 0.0
Internal.Kettle.Build.Date 2022-11-08 07.50.27
java.runtime.version 11.0.15+10
os.name Linux
os.version 5.4.0-117-generic
os.arch amd64
user.country ${user.country}
user.language en
user.home /opt/pentaho

Interactive Reports

The "Interactive Reports" functionality is not included in the Community Edition (CE) of Pentaho Server since version 6.0. Before this version, "Interactive Reports" were available in CE. However, starting with version 6.0, the "Interactive Reports" functionality became available only in the paid version of Pentaho Server.