
Demo of an ETL Spark Job

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Demo of an ETL Spark Job

Just some simple Spark code to be built using the demo infrastructure and process


Implementation of a file based Change Data Capture flow. The flow can be run in local mode with default arguments running class uk.co.pragmasoft.experiments.bigdata.spark.cdc.SampleCDC or submitted into the spark cluster using the command line

   --master <master>
   --class uk.co.pragmasoft.experiments.bigdata.spark.cdc.SampleCDC
   <root path to CDC files>

Where root path to CDC files can be something like file:/Users/stefano/projects/spark-experiments/data/cdc if your submit to a local cluster or an HDFS path if you submit to an HDFS-enabled installation.

The CDC files directory is assumed to contain two files: fullData.csv and newData.csv. It will generate the output into the out sub-folder

DB Import

Application of the CDC flow with one of the source being an Oracle table.

The main class is uk.co.pragmasoft.experiments.bigdata.spark.dbimport.CustomCDCDataBaseImporter and is as parameters:

  • rootPath: is the root path to CDC files, the program is expecting to find the fullData.csv file there. Defaults to ./data/cdc
  • dbServerConnection is Connection to the DB in the format (user/pwd)@//host(:port) and defaults to "system/oracle@//
  • dbName is the SSID of the DB to connect to. Defaults to xe
  • local: if specified causes the spark context to be built in local mode

Testing the DB Import

To test the application you can follow the procedure documented here:

Providing an Oracle Instance

The execution is assuming to have an Oracle instance available. I'm testing it using an oracle Docker instance. I'm using alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g:latest.

You can install the instance with

docker pull alexeiled/docker-oracle-xe-11g

and launch it with

docker run -d -p 49160:22 -p 49161:1521 -p 49162:8080 
    -v /Users/stefano/projects/spark-experiments/data:/test/data 
    -v /Users/stefano/projects/spark-experiments/src/test/resources:/test/cfg 

You can use the script src/test/scripts/start-db-docker.sh

Create the Customer Table

The file src/main/resources/OracleDB.sql contains the definition of the Customer table and the generation of some sample data. Execute it with a SQL client connected with your DB. I'm using SQLDeveloper connected with the configuration:

  • Server: (I'm running Docker with boot2docker so you can get the ip with the command boot2docker ip)
  • Port: 49161
  • SSID: xe
  • Username/pwd: system/oracle

You can also create the table using the command line:

docker exec -i -t <docker-id>  
    bash -c 'export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe;export ORACLE_SID=XE;echo exit |  /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/sqlplus system/oracle  @/test/cfg/OracleDB.sql'

You can use the script src/test/scripts/init-db-docker.sh and stop with src/test/scripts/stop-db-docker.sh

Enabling Spark to Access Oracle

You need to add the oracle driver to your spark installation that means that every executor need to have the oracle driver ojdbc6.jar in their classpath. If you are using a standalone cluster a good way to do that is to edit the spark-defaults.conf file adding the following two lines:


Submit the job to Spark

You can then submit the assembly jar to the cluster (in this example to a standalone cluster running on my laptop):

    --master spark://galarragas.local:7077 
    --class uk.co.pragmasoft.experiments.bigdata.spark.dbimport.CustomerCDCDataBaseImporter 
    --rootPath file:/Users/stefano/projects/spark-experiments/data/cdc

Remember to build the jar with sbt assembly and not with just sbt package.

This is my review test