Laravel Mix Plugin for compiling Edge templates.
This package provides a plugin for Laravel Mix to compile Edge templates. laravel-mix-edge
requires Laravel Mix to work. Please follow the instructions on how to use it on the package repository.
Install this package into your project:
npm install laravel-mix-edge --save-dev
Head over to your webpack.mix.js
and register it on the Laravel Mix API:
let mix = require('laravel-mix');
mix.js('src/app.js', 'dist')
.sass('src/app.scss', 'dist')
.edge('src/views', 'dist')
You can also pass in a third optional parameter: options object. It accepts two options:
This is a path to a folder with seed files. Files can be of type json
or yaml
. They will be parsed and provided in your Edge template locals under the seed file name and then contents.
mix.edge('src/views', 'dist', {
And if you have a file demo.yml
in there all the content will be available in your template under
<a href="{{ }}">
{{ }}
It's possible to pass in an object which will be added to locals in your Edge templates:
mix.edge('src/view', 'dist', {}, {
locals: {
config: { baseUrl: '' }
and in your edge file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ config.baseUrl }}css/main.css">
<script src="{{ config.baseUrl }}js/main.js"></script>
It is possible to change to output file and source file extension.
mix.edge('src/views', 'dist', {
sourceExtension: '.edge.html',
outputExtension: '.blade.php',
It is possible to set options to Edge library.
mix.edge('src/views', 'dist', {}, {
edge: {}
Globals are key/value pairs available to all of your templates. Edge ships with a bunch of commonly used globals. Also, you can add your own globals to the edge instance. More info
mix.edge('src/views', 'dist', {}, {
global: {
'json': data => JSON.stringify(data),
View Presenter is a way to encapsulate complex logic inside a dedicated class, instead of writing it inside your template files. Also, it is very important to understand the philosophy behind a Presenter before you can really empower it. More info
mix.edge('src/views', 'dist', {
presenters: 'src/presenters'
Laravel Mix Edge is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.