
Personal family wiki engine and photoalbum

Primary LanguageC#


A family wiki engine (in Russian).


  • Pages with Markdown text
  • Media files: photos, video, PDF documents
  • Person tags on photos
  • Relations support: validation, inferrence
  • Fact storage
  • Access control



Admin panel:


  1. Install PostgreSQL server (9.6+)

  2. Install ElasticSearch 5.6.x (6.0 is not supported yet)

  3. Install Russian Morphology for ElasticSearch.

    If you're getting a "Syntax of the command is incorrect" error during this step, make sure you have a JAVA_HOME environment variable defined.

  4. Download ffmpeg shared binaries for your system and extract the archive's contents into External/ffmpeg folder in the solution root (must contain both ffmpeg and ffprobe executables).

  5. Create a Facebook Authorization App

  6. Create a Google Authorization App or comment out the UseGoogle block in Startup.cs

  7. Create a file called appsettings.Development.json and save the auth secrets/connection strings/etc in it:

      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "Database": "Server=;Port=5432;Database=bonsai;User Id=<login>;Password=<password>;Persist Security Info=true"
      "Auth": {
        "Facebook": {
          "AppId": "...",
          "AppSecret": "..." 
        "Google": {
          "ClientId": "...",
          "ClientSecret": "..." 
  8. Create the database:

    dotnet ef database update
  9. Run