
Simple daemon that monitors /var/log/auth.log and notifies you via Twitter DM whenever somebody logs in successfully.

Primary LanguagePython


This little daemon monitors /var/log/auth.log and sends you a direct message on Twitter every time somebody logs in successfully. Intended to keep an eye on small servers which normally don't see more than a few logins a week.

You can also easily reconfigure it to watch a different log file for different messages. The basic logic is IF log line matches a regexp THEN send a direct message.


  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/ze-phyr-us/kerberos.git && cd kerberos
  2. (Optional) Set up a Python virtual environment: virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure (see below).
  5. ./kerberos.py (or ./kerberos.py --foreground to prevent daemonizing).

Kerberos will log to kerberos.log in the same directory where kerberos.py is.

You will also want to start the deamon on boot. A quick and dirty method is to add a su username -c ... line to /etc/rc.local. Use su or sudo to drop root privileges. However, the user you run this under must have read access to the log file (on Ubuntu that means being in the adm group: usermod -aG adm username).


Change settings in settings.py or create settings_local.py and override any options you want. At the minimum, you must set two options:

  • TWITTER_AUTH contains OAuth credentials for the Twitter account that will be DMing you. You get the credentials by registering your app at dev.twitter.com.
  • DM_RECIPIENTS contains a list of Twitter usernames that should receive the DMs.

Look out for WATCH_LOG and MATCH_LINES to change which lines from what log file get reported.