
A simple web app for sport events presence

Primary LanguagePython


A simple sport event management.


  • nginx
  • Python 3
  • sqlite3 and binding for Python
  • cron


  1. Clone this repo or copy all its files into a directory.
  2. Setup nginx.
  3. Setup cronjob.


The configuration is done using environment variables.

  • PRESENCE_DB_PATH: path to DB file (default: ./data/presence.db)
  • PRESENCE_ADMINS: usernames of admins
  • PRESENCE_COACHES: user ids of coaches
  • PRESENCE_EVENTS_PATH: path to json file with regular events = "data/events.json"
  • PRESENCE_PORT: port for the http server


Coaches are highlighted and sorted at the end of the list of participants.

Regular events (cronjob)

python3 presence.py --create will read PRESENCE_EVENTS_PATH file and will create events accordingly.