- 8
Could not Fast Refresh. Learn more at
#411 opened by AlokTakshak - 2
Can't build server components and client components in the same library
#405 opened by rafa-apptronik - 2
- 4
HMR does not work for *.js but works for *.jsx
#402 opened by rawasaditya - 5
SVGs are not rendering on lates vite 6
#401 opened by Prathap-Thunga - 5
- 2
- 1
[plugin:vite:import-analysis] Failed to resolve import "react/jsx-dev-runtime" from "src/main.tsx". Does the file exist?
#391 opened by mrdulin - 1
Vite 6.0 version conflict
#389 opened by ravshansbox - 5
[plugin:vite:esbuild] Transform failed - Importing JSON files with { type: "json" };
#385 opened by skeithtan - 2
hmr update /app/routes/home.tsx (x75)
#384 opened by paulm17 - 2
Deno + Vite: TS starter working but not JS
#377 opened by mbrahimi02 - 3
Uncaught Error:@vitejs/plugin-react can't detect preamble. Something is wrong.
#371 opened by qiufeihong2018 - 1
- 1
When i run npm run dev on my react project i get an error that has happened in a similar manner to astro
#365 opened by tolubori07 - 4
White screen when running on IOS12
#362 opened by MrQinYQ - 7
Inconsistent whitespace handling in JSX between `vite dev` and `vite build`
#360 opened by vinodgubbala - 2
Env variable is being replace in build time
#357 opened by guidari - 1
White Screen Issue with Vite React App on iOS – Works on Other Platforms
#355 opened by AdityaSingh18 - 1
vite 库模式下 生产环境后,.module.less文件编译后异常无法使用样式
#358 opened by tzbcf - 2
Use `renderToPipeableStream` instead of `renderToString` in `ssr-react` playground
#359 opened by raphael-arce - 2
HMR does not reload changes in default props
#350 opened by chawes13 - 1
Type cast in one line arrow function `() => ({} as Type)` cause vite:esbuild transform error
#348 opened by daolanfler - 3
Issues with pre transform step
#349 opened by ak-adversus - 6
Option to skip fast refresh
#346 opened by michaelboyles - 4
useEffect does not re-fire on hot reload with React 19
#335 opened by gkiely - 10
Optimizing CSS File Size in Vite
#342 opened by harshitacodes - 2
Can't detect preamble
#343 opened by OmniacDev - 1
- 1
supporting nextjs
#325 opened by bitttttten - 0
"import typeof ActionSheetIOS" error using Termux
#334 opened by Elsarques - 3
Using a freshly generated react-ts project in a traditional backend: @vitejs/plugin-react can't detect preamble
#336 opened by stonetwig - 3
Conditional React lazy routes appears in build
#337 opened by Nik96i - 2
The 4.3.0 version break React compiler setup
#328 opened by iahu - 2
- 2
Running React Compiler not successful
#322 opened by williamlsh - 2
Vite HMR not work with framer motion in dev mode
#323 opened by Ross249 - 1
inject css in shadowDom
#295 opened by ZababurinSergei - 1
Does the React plugin not support React 16? I couldn't find related documentation.
#297 opened by GRAMMAC1 - 2
- 1
ESBuild supports decorators now
#314 opened by pnegahdar - 1
ESLint upgrade needed
#312 opened by danibiro - 4
Could not resolve !!raw-loader!prismjs
#309 opened by moosubb4 - 0
Heading dropdown is not working for font size change like Heading 1 Heading 2
#310 opened by sushant154 - 2
Conflict with plugin-vue-jsx
#303 opened by gliheng - 1
- 1
gettting jsxDev is not defined error while using LexicalRichTextPlugin in react
#308 opened by YogiDhingani27 - 0
**Update** It worked when I allocated a whopping 16GB of RAM for Vite's initialization cycle.
#301 opened by fredzengue - 0
#300 opened by WaJueZhe - 0