
APIs using Serverless framework, MiddyJS, DynamoDB, AWS lambda, AWS API Gateway

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Falcon serverless apis

using Serverless framework, MiddyJS, DynamoDB, AWS lambda, AWS API Gateway


  • git clone this repo
  • Install deps npm ci
  • openapi docs
  • postman collection
  • local testing npm run dev
  • generate openapi and postman file npm run gen-openapi
  • deploy npm run deploy -- --aws-profile REPLACE_ME
    • will create all resources like DynamoDB table, IAM roles, S3 bucket for deployment etc
  • to remove everything npx sls remove --aws-profile REPLACE_ME
  • to import users data to DDB npm run data-import
    • you can pass env vars for DDB_PROFILE, DDB_REGION script will take care of rest