This project is DISCONTINUED
. It is superseded by
KickStart is a boiler plate for Enterprise Web Applications. It is primarily a front-end solution and can be used with back-end written in any language. The project includes few server side solutions located in "/api" folder. All front-end related source files are in "/web" folder.
Before using project tools, you need to install NPM and NodeJS. To install dependencies run:
npm install --production // for production
npm install // for development
To run development tasks configured in gulpfile.js run:
gulp dev
This will auto compile all your LESS files as well as generated icon-font
Since data is read from static JSON files and cannot be modified, JSON back-end is purely for demo purposes. It is enabled by default. You can change it in "/web/app/home/config.js" file by modifying "context" property. If you use Nginx as web server and you have problem with POST request - 405 Not Allowed , there is small hack:
server {
listen 80;
error_page 403 /403.html;
# To allow POST on static pages
error_page 405 =200 $uri;
To use NodeJS back-end you need to do a series of steps:
- Install and start MongoDB server (used for session storage)
- Install and start PostgreSQL DB server
- Run SQL scripts in "/setup" folder
- Change DB configuration in "/api/node/conf.js" file
- Change "context" property to 'http://localhost:3000'
To run NodeJS locally
nodemon api/node/start.js
To start MongoDB (used for sessions)
mongod --dbpath /Users/vitali/Library/MongoDbData &
/api - Server side code
/json - sample JSON back-end
/node - sample NodeJS back-end
/admin - admin module
/shared - shared components
/mod-1 - module 1
/mod-N - module N
/w2ui - server side w2ui library
/conf.js - DB and other config
/security.js - security file
/start.js - server side STARTING POINT
/build - Build folder
/log - Logs
/node_modules - NodeJS modules
/setup - DB setup scripts
/web - Front-End Code
/app - Application
/mod-1 - module 1
/mod-N - module N
/icons - icon font icons
/modules.js - description of all modules
/start.js - client side STARTING POINT
/libs - 3rd party libraries
index.html - index page
login.html - login page
Gruntfile.js - build tool config
package.json - npm dependencies - this read me file