
Flask api to fetch stock data from Polygon and Marketwatch and persist using supabase SDK

Primary LanguagePython

Stock API

Pytest Python

Stock api Overview

Stock API is a RESTful service that allows users to retrieve and update stock information. It fetches stock data from external financial APIs, performs data scraping from MarketWatch, and stores data in a Supabase database. This project is designed to be user-friendly and robust, making it easy for users to access and update stock information.


  • Fetch stock data for a given symbol and date from Polygon.io.
  • Scrape performance and competitor data from MarketWatch.
  • Persist stock data, performance data, and competitor data into Supabase-hosted PostgreSQL.
  • Update stock purchase amount with data validation.
  • Uses LRU cache set to 100 to optimse response latency as well as db IO.
  • Test coverage for endpoints and functions.
  • Dockerfile that builds an image containing the ready-to-run API on port 8000
  • Logging with python default logger optmized for log-searching.


  • GET /stock/{stock_symbol}: Fetch stock data for the given symbol. Defaults to yesterday if no date is provided.
  • GET /stock/{stock_symbol}/{date}: Fetch stock data for the given symbol on the specified date.
    "status": "String",
    "purchased_amount": "Integer",
    "purchased_status": "String",
    "request_date": "Date (YYYY-MM-DD)",
    "company_code": "String",
    "company_name": "String",
    "stock_values": {
        "open": "Float",
        "high": "Float",
        "low": "Float",
        "close": "Float"
    "performance_data": {
        "five_days": "Float",
        "one_month": "Float",
        "three_months": "Float",
        "year_to_date": "Float",
        "one_year": "Float"
    "competitors": [
            "name": "String",
            "company_code": "String",
            "percent_change": "Float",
            "market_cap": {
                "currency": "String",
                "value": "Float"
  • POST /stock/{stock_symbol}: Update the stock entity with the purchased amount based on the received argument.
	"message": "9999 units of stock meta were added to your stock record"


Environment Variables

  • SUPABASE_URL: URL for the Supabase database.
  • SUPABASE_KEY: URL for the Supabase service that wraps the db.
  • POLYGON_API_KEY: API key for Polygon.io.
  • POLYGON_BASE_URL: Base URL for Polygon.io.
  • ZENROW_API_KEY: API key for ZenRows.


  • Flask: Web framework.
  • requests: HTTP library for Python.
  • BeautifulSoup: Library for web scraping.
  • Supabase: Client for interacting with Supabase.
  • dotenv: Library to load environment variables.
  • pytest: Testing framework for Python.
  • Docker: Container manager.

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Environment Variables

Ensure you have all the environment variables set correctly as shown in the .env.example file.

Step 2: Supabase Setup

If you are starting from scratch, follow these instructions to set up your Supabase tables. If you already have a Supabase key and URL set up, skip to Step 3.

Supabase will require you to create the models there. Follow this data model for the basic functionality to be enabled:

Data Model

Step 3: Build the Docker Image

docker build -t stock_api .

Step 4: Run the Docker Container

docker run -p 8000:8000 stock_api

Running Tests

The Docker image will build and run tests automatically. Ensure the tests pass before using the API.