
An unofficial PHP client for the Tumblr API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Tumblr Client

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An unofficial PHP client for the Tumblr API


Through the Composer, you must require the package matheusmariano/tumblr.


use MatheusMariano\Tumblr\Client;
use MatheusMariano\Tumblr\Connector\Auth\ApiKey;

$auth = new ApiKey('my-api-key');
$client = new Client($auth);

$object = $client->get('blog/nutright.tumblr.com/posts', [
    'api_key' => true,
    'tag' => 'fruit'


Before request any method from API, it's necessary to authenticate our client. To do it, there are two authentication levels:

  • API key
  • OAuth

The API key level is the simplest one, because it just needs the consumer key given by the Tumblr when registering your application. To use this, you should import the ApiKey class

use MatheusMariano\Tumblr\Connector\Auth\ApiKey;

and then instantiate it with your consumer key.

$auth = new ApiKey('your-consumer-key');

You can use the OAuth level practically the same way, importing the OAuth class

use MatheusMariano\Tumblr\Connector\Auth\OAuth;

and then instantiating with all the necessary keys.

$auth = new OAuth; // Also accepts ordered parameters.
$auth->consumerKey = '...';
$auth->consumerSecret = '...';
$auth->oauthToken = '...';
$auth->oauthTokenSecret = '...';

OAuth tokens and Authorizer

Getting the tokens from users is a little bit different task, because they need to be notified and give authorization to your application. It's a proccess that involves a lot of steps, but the Authorizer class turns everything easier. For every used page, you should import the class this way.

use MatheusMariano\Tumblr\Authorizer;

The first step is to send your consumers to Tumblr with your callback URI. Let's consider it should be https://example.com/auth/tumblr/callback.

$auth = new OAuth;
$auth->consumerKey = '...';
$auth->consumerSecret = '...';

$authorizer = new Authorizer($auth);
$tokens = $authorizer->getTemporaryTokens('https://example.com/auth/tumblr/callback');

If consumers are accepted, you should receive temporary tokens.

['oauth_token' => '...', 'oauth_token_secret' => '...']

Save these tokens, because they are necessary for the next session. Now you need to redirect your users to https://www.tumblr.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token={$tokens['oauth_token']}. There, they are going to be able to authorize your application and then going to be redirected to the callback URI.

In the https://example.com/auth/tumblr/callback, the step is to send the consumers and the temporary tokens together with GET parameter oauth_verifier received from Tumblr.

$auth = new OAuth;
$auth->consumerKey = '...';
$auth->consumerSecret = '...';
$auth->oauthToken = $oauthToken;
$auth->oauthTokenSecret = $oauthTokenSecret;

$authorizer = new Authorizer($auth);
$tokens = $authorizer->getTokens($oauthVerifier);

If you prefer, you can use the global $_GET to get the oauth_verifier.

$oauthVerifier = $_GET['oauth_verifier'];

If everything runs as plained, you should receive the user definitive tokens.


After configure one of those authenticators, you can import the Client class

use MatheusMariano\Tumblr\Client;

and then instantiate it with the authenticator.

$client = new Client($auth);


In the version 0.1 of this package, the Client has only 2 very basic methods

  • get
  • post

It's important to follow the Tumblr API to use these methods and your responses correctly.

Example: getting the text posts that has the fruit tag.

$object = $client->get('blog/nutright.tumblr.com/posts/text', [
    'api_key' => true,
    'tag' => 'fruit',

The response should be an stdClass object with all content of response, following the Tumblr API.

$object->total_posts; // int
$object->posts; // array
$object->blog; // stdClass
$object->blog->title; // string

The post method works the same way.

$client->post('blog/nutright.tumblr.com/post', [
    'type' => 'text',
    'tags' => 'fruit, apple, red',
    'title' => 'My new post title',
    'body' => 'My new post body...',


Request methods may receive errors, generaly 401 not authorized and 404 not found, throwing exceptions like GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException, GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException etc., which should be treated with try...catch. See the Guzzle documentation for more information.

try {
    $client->get('blog/nutright.tumblr.com/followers', ['api_key' => true]);
} catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
    // Do something


PHP Tumblr Client a is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.