
This project is a small application (it does not have styles) that users can simulate buying products and send it to cart page. I have done it in order to practice developing projects with Redux and Redux Saga.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

💇🏻‍♂️ About the project

This project is a small application (it does not have styles) that users can simulate buying products and send it to cart page. I have done it in order to practice developing projects with Redux and Redux Saga.

🚀 Technologies

Technologies that I used to develop this project

💻 Getting started


  • You need to install both Node.js and Yarn to run this project.

Clone the project and access the folder

$ git clone https://github.com/vitor-martinss/ReduxAtMarketStore.git

Follow the steps below for Web Version

  # Go to ReduxAtMarketStore.Static folder
  cd src/ReduxAtMarketStore.Static 

  # Install the dependencies
  $ yarn

  # Start project
  yarn start

The app will be available for access on your browser at http://localhost:3000

📝 Thanks

Made with 💜 by Vitor Martins 😊 See my linkedin