
This is Querido Diário's API. It provides everything the frontend does and even more!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to the Querido Diário API project! The goal of this repository is keep the source code used to build the API used to make available the gazettes crawled by the Querido Diário project.


The whole project is build and run inside containers and is supported only in Linux environments (for now). As we run everything inside containers you just need to install podman to run locally in your machine. If you are not familiarize with podman, you can think it as a lightweight docker/docker-compose. It exists in almost all Linux distributions packages repositories.

Please, check podman documentation to see how to installed it in your environments. If you face some difficulties with podman, let us know!


In order to be able to run and test your changes in the project, first, you need to build the container image used during development. For that you can use the following command:

make build

After that you will have a container image which can be use to run the API locally during development.


To run the API locally in your machine, you can run the following command:

make run

This command will start all containers necessary to run the API. In other words, it starts the database and the API container. If everything goes fine, you should be able to query the API at localhost:8080/gazettes/<City IBGE Code>

NOTE: When you want to restart the API, just quit the API process and execute make rerun again. You do not need to restart the database.

You can all check the interactive documentation at localhost:8080/docs. Using the docs page, you can all send request to the API. But to see it working you need to insert data into the database. There is another make target, make apisql, which open the psql and connect to the database. Thus, you can insert data using some INSERT INTO ... statements and test the API. ;)

Using suggestion endpoint

You need to create a token at Mailjet to run application and send email (put on config/current.env).


The project uses TDD during development. This means that there are no changes without tests. We should always seek 100% source code coverage. Another way to think about tests is the following:

"Write the test which forces you to write the code which you already know that you wanna write." By Robert C. Martin (a.k.a. Uncle Bob)

To run the tests you can do the following:

make test

NOTE: You do not need to restart the test database all the times you want to run the tests. Once the database is running, you need to run the make retest again.

You should do that just the first time you run the tests. After that, you can just run make retest. Of course, if you remove the database with make destroydatabse or reboot the machine, you need to start the database again.

If you can to see the code coverage:

make coverage