
Nodeschool.io Workshops

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodeschool.io Workshops

This repository contains instructions to install nodeschool.io workshops and solutions for each lesson modules.


You'll need Node.js on your computer to get started with each of these. Then use npm (it comes with Node) to install each workshop module.



For Gentoo Linux:

# emerge -av net-libs/nodejs

For Ubuntu Linux:

# apt-get install nodejs
# apt-get install npm

Core Workshops

These workshoppers focus on essential skills for working with Node.js.

# npm install -g javascripting learnyounode git-it stream-adventure

Electives Workshops

Workshoppers on popular libraries or styles of writing Node.js.

# npm install -g functional-javascript-workshop levelmeup expressworks \
makemehapi promise-it-wont-hurt async-you nodebot-workshop goingnative \
planetproto webgl-workshop shader-school bytewiser bug-clinic \
browserify-adventure introtowebgl count-to-6 kick-off-koa lololodash \

# git clone https://github.com/thlorenz/learnuv.git && cd learnuv && npm install


$ cd /path/to/nodeschool.git
$ javascripting run introduction.js
$ javascripting verify introduction.js