
Don't use W3Schools. Use MDN to search or reference. Seriously!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Go MDN NPM version GitHub version

DON'T USE W3Schools. Use the MDN for research and references. Seriously!


$ npm install gomdn -g

This will make godmn and the shorter mdn alias available on the command line.


$ gomdn [options] <term> <filter>

Available Filters

You can be more specific with these filters:

  • js
  • css
  • html
  • apps
  • api
  • addons
  • canvas
  • docs
  • firefox
  • firefox-os
  • games
  • mathml
  • mobile
  • svg
  • webdev
  • webgl
  • xul

Available Options

-s or --skill

You can search content by skill:

  • 1 => beginner
  • 2 => intermediate
  • 3 => advanced

-t or --type

You can search content by type:

  • tools => tools
  • howto => how-to & Tutorial
  • code => code samples


$ gomdn closure js

or using the options

$ gomdn closure js -t howto
$ gomdn closure js -s 1


Feel free to contribute with this project or leave a suggestion.


MIT License © Vitor Britto