My Wallet - backend

My Wallet is a log-book web app for earnings and expenditures. Users can sign up and keep track of their finances using a simple interface. This is the repo for the backend side of the app. You can check out the frontend repo here

Built With

  • Node.js , Express.js , PostgreSQL
  • Linux

Tested With

  • Jest , supertest


Heads Up

  • This project has been deployed to heroku, if you would like to run it locally you can edit the database.js file to use whatever configs you need. You'll also have to edit the routes on the frontend side. The database is not included in the repo btw, you will have to create it.
## Running the server - $ npm start

Testing the API

  • $ npm test

Things That Can Go Wrong

  • The app uses the port 4000 by default. You can change it if you want but if there's a conflict and you don't mind killing whatever is listening to 4000, you can run $ fuser -k 4000/tcp
  • As of right now, it seems Jest has no support for ES Modules out of the box. The dependency "@babel/preset-env" will take care of it and will be installed upon $ npm i . If you want to use your own babel configuration file, please include: "presets": [ "@babel/preset-env" ],
  • As of right now, it seems Jest has no support for async/await out of the box. The dependency "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" will take care of it and it will be installed upon $ npm i but remember to include: "plugins": [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" ] in your babel configuration file if you feel like using a different one.


  • All dependencies are listed in the package.json file.

One final note

  • Anyone is welcome to clone this repo and use this code however they like. I maintain this README for others but mostly for myself, hence the odd Things That Can Go Wrong session. I like keeping track of the problems and solutions i've ran across so i don't have to put on my google-fu kimono all the time.


👤 Vitor Emanuel Lourenco

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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