
Example API rest using NodeJs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example API rest using NodeJs


  • cors : ^2.8.5
  • express : ^4.17.1
  • mongoose : ^5.9.17
  • mongoose-paginate : ^5.0.3
  • require-dir: ^1.2.0

Get Started

Clone project https://github.com/vitorghcnodejs-restapi.git.

How to use mongodb with docker:

docker mongodb pull docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo

start application

npm run dev

how can i test API?
Create product:

POST localhost:3001/api/products body:

        "title": "E-book Nodejs",
        "description": "Nodejs for dummies",
        "url": "http://www.node.org"
Find products with paginated:

GET localhost:3001/api/products GET localhost:3001/api/products?page=1

Find product by id:

GET localhost:3001/api/products/{id}

Update product:

PUT localhost:3001/api/products body:

        "title": "E-book Nodejs"
Delete product:

DELETE localhost:3001/api/products/{id}